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Now kook is working and tae was hugging him like a koala and was mummering something to himself in a baby voice , kook tried to understand what his baby wants to say but his baby language was hard to understand

After sometime jimin enter their with yoongi trailing behind , they meet with a really usual seen tae in his koo's lap sleeping peacefully and here kook is work without disturbing his baby , they really try to understand how can a man work so comfortably while having a whole ass person clinging on him like a koala , but he is okay cause he is _________( fill in the blanks 😜)

Yoon : aren't you done yet kook

Yoon asked sitting on the couch and jimin sitting besides him , kook told him to low his voice cause his baby stirred in his sleep , jimin sigh at that why this man is this whipped but still in not a relationship


On the other side in Kim mansion

Namjoon: I was thinking of something

Jin : okay think I didn't stop you

Namjoon: I was thinking about tae

Jin : did you ask for kooks permission ?

Namjoon : what are you saying jin , now I can't think about my son also

Jin : no no you can but I still think you should ask kook before thinking about him

Jin started to laugh and namjoon just smile and shook his head

Namjoon : I was thinking of sending tae to Canada for studies

Jin stoped laughing and look at joon with wide eyes as if he saw a ghost

Namjoon : now why are you looking at me like this

Jin : you really have urge to die this early , you know if kook heard this he will shoo

t you on your head

Namjoon : you know you just know kook and tae's bratty sides but I know how much responsible they both are and I want to give them what they deserve but not directly but by their own hard work , kook had done too much hard work to earn the title of CEO and a mafia boss I want tae to also work hard on his aim

And here jin fall for his man all over again this is the thing jin admire most about namjoon , though he fall for a bratty baby joon but when it comes to responsibility joon become a man that world admire and who is jin to not

Jin : aww my hubby is so intelligent!!

Joon : with IQ 148

Jin laughed then pecked joon lips and went back to kitchen to make some snacks for his baby


Now yoonmin and taekook are in one car as their babies wanted to go amusement park , when they reach amusement park , tae and jimin was so excited and was about to run out but kook and yoon was fast to hold there hands to not let them run out

Both pouted at them but they know better not to leave them

Tae and kook was roaming while tae was thinking which ride he should go first but a plushie caught his eyes he looked at kook and tugged his shirt kook looked at his baby and tae pointed towards the plushie they went towards the shopkeeper and get a gun to shoot on that things head where a match box is placed so kook let tae shoot but hold tae in his arms and shoot

It just take kook one short and he got that plushie tae happily started jumping about it the shopkeeper gave them the plushie than they went on different rides and had different foods

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