finally 😃

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When tae came out he meet with a smriking chim and kook yoon taking about something on the couch , tae literally ignored jimin and .went to snuggle to kook which made yoongi sigh and said

Yoongi : taebear you know that we are here you should greet us too

Jimin : you didn't just ignored your soulmate

Tae didn't said anything to them and look at kook who was looking at him too

Kook : guys not now let's eat something baby

Kook feed tae and also himself then bought tae to wash his hand and he too did then came outside at office chair just to look at yoonmin giving him wth look , cause tae didn't even leave him for a minute

Yoon mummered: this is so bad

Jimin : what is bad

Yoon : I'll tell you later

Jimin pouted and mummered a okay

Kook : baby go with chim for sometime and get some fresh air bub

Tae just shook his head clinging on him

Yoon just shook his head at this and jimin was still confused as in what the hell is even happening and why he didn't know a single thing

Kook : bub I am not going anywhere 

Tae again shook his head , kook look at yoon for help and yoon give him a tight lipped smile

Yoon : okay kook enjoy your day have a nice day let's go jimin

Jimin : yeah let's go

Cause jimin really wanted to know what is happening he just walked I mean run outside with full speed and after both came to the car

Jimin : now tell me fast

Yoon : at least we can go home first chimmy

Jimin : okay then fast fast

Yoon nod and went to driver seat and both went to their home and their they meet hobi

Hobi : what's up bro what happened

Yoon : good that you are here come I wanna tell you something

Hobi , jimin and yoon are now sitting on the sofa yoon and chim on one and  hobi on the other side and yoon started

Yoon : so hobi you know from yesterday tae is clinging I mean sticked to kook and I know you both must have many questions

Hobi : I did saw him clinging and asked to but kook didn't answer and said we will talk later so I didn't push it more

Yoon : it is actually joon uncle thought to send tae to Canada for studies

Now jimin and hobi looked little shocked

Jimin : ooh so he told this to tae no wonder he is behaving like this

Yoon : no actually If joon uncle would have told it , then it wouldn't have become like this , he got to know while others were talking and ofcourse it would sound harsh to listen when other discuss your future without you and moreover he was always in a shelter of care and love ofcourse leaving all of it will be hard

Jimin : you are right he is always been treated like a soft doll and suddenly others want to push him to defend himself and be independent how is this gonna happen

Hobi : I think this would be the best decision and jimin we can't learn everything in our comfort zone we have to get out of it to live a independent life is hard but trust me it's possible when you want it to be possible and other ain't throwing him away they are just pushing him a little ahead to make his life better

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