visit to baby

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After almost two months kook was going to Canada no not to meet tae he has a buisness deal there and yeah he just agreed cause it's from Canada and yeah it can be done by any other but kook as a responsible buisnessman he will go himself as the buisness deal is important that what he told others

Yeah both tae and kook are talking on phone videocalls texts but both still crave for each other for kook it's not hard to live cause he is here with the people he knows but for tae it was hard first he can't be bratty cause there is no koo here to save him if he got attacked and he is little bit scared to make friends , he will always stick to jimin who would talk to everyone and not even scared of he mess with with anyone he is great fighter and yeah jimin is black belt in taekwondo

So jimin is tae's safe place but still tae miss his safe , comfort , love ,protective , possesive zone yeah it is what it is no questions

Right now tae is really frustrated because kook didn't picked up his phone when he called and he is not just frustrated but scared and worried cause kook never missed any of his call or if he miss he will call in Max half an hour

But right now it's four hour he called before coming to college and right now he is in his college canteen , jimin was sitting and trying to make him understand that kook must have slept but tae knows kook never sleep without talking to tae infact he sleep when tae is on call and tae will cut the call after knowing that kook felt asleep

Jimin : don't worry he will call......

Tae looked at jimin why did he stop tae was about to turn but he felt hands on his eyes and yeah it doesn't take tae a min to know who it is but don't know why he wasn't able to word out he just put his hands on the other's hands the others felt something wet in his palm , he was shocked he quickly removed his handa and looked at his baby who had tears flowing down his eyes he looked at him with teary puppy eyes

Kook : oh my why baby aah baby shh shh nothing happened my love shh

Kook said while hugging the other tae just pushed kook a little bit and got up and jumped on kook while crying like a baby

Tae : koo........sniff sniff

Now jimin was just looking at them with teary eyes and yeah whole canteen was looking like they have seen some goast

Kook : waeee , why bub why are you crying bub here I am love. Now no crying hyungie is here

Tae : koo..

Kook : yeah baby tell koo what happened

Tae : koo sniff*  taetae don't like it without koo , taetae can't stay without kook

Kook : shh bub hyungie will cry now if you do like this pup

Jimin : kook hyung sit down you must be tired of your journey and I am sure your human koala will not leave you soon

Kook : thank you jimin .

Tae didn't even said anything to jimin he was just sniffing kooks scent as if it will faint away

Kook sat there and whole college was looking at them with envious, jealous and curious eyes

Jimin : hyung did you came here directly from airport

Kook just nod and try to pull tae little away as he badly want to see his bubs face after months , but tae wasn't ready to leave him , soon two people came there running

?? : oh thank God that idiot finally let me go

Yeah he didn't notice others two cause he was breathing heavily cause of running , but soon his eyes widened looking at the two as he didn't know who the person is that and also he can see tae clinging on him

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