kookie 🥺

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Kook immediately got up from the chair and call his secretary

Kook : Ms Lee I am going, something important came up please postpone the meeting

Ms Lee : but sir the meeting is really important

Kook : not more then my work just postpone or cancel the deal

Ms Lee : okay sir

Sofia who was there and heard principal and kook wanted to know who is more important for kook more than his work that he got ready to leave his work and also didn't came with her but wanted to get ready go just by one call

Kook got out of his office and Sofia follow him with other car 🚗

Kook reach the uni and Sofia follow him , kook immediately goes to principal office just to see tae standing infront of principal looking down while cutely pouting or you can say he was hiding his sadness while pouting

Kook : principal can I know what happened

Principal : yes please Mr Jeon sit

Kook sat there and look at tae who is not looking at him and he also know why he is not looking at him

Principal : today Mr Kim lock a senior in the restroom and also put a fake spider on teachers desk

Tae just pouted more kook look at tae but tae didn't

Principal : and also he had done too many things and also he is very mischievous in uni , if it continues we have to expelle him

Kook look at tae who was just looking down a tear slip out of tae's eyes which kook notice he was quick to pull tae on his laps ignoring the principal

Kook : what happened to my bub why is my baby crying you know hyung don't like when his bub cry

By listening that tae Started to cry with big fat tears came out of his eyes which was making kooks heart to break in million pieces

Kook : bub don't cry if you continue Hyung will also cry tell me bub what happened ??

Tae : hyung when I was going to my class that senior came infront of me and tried to pull me with him , when I said no he tried to force me , jiminie slap him and said that he will complain to principal so he went away but when I was alone in the washroom he came there and tried to touch me where hyung said not to allow anyone to touch so I pushed him and run outside and quickly lock the door cause I was scared I didn't mean to hurt him hyung and when I tried to complaint to teacher he said it's nothing he is just little mischievous so bear with it so I put the spider to scare him cause he didn't listen to me

Tae explain while crying , while kook is so angry that someone tried to touch his baby that way , he will kill that person with his bare hands and will feed them to his pet coco

Tae : hyung don't be angry on me , I'll not do that again

Kook : it's okay baby , you didn't did anything wrong let's go home okay , koo will buy ice cream for his baby

Tae : really hyung !!!

Tae said while jumping on kooks lap and the principal really didn't know where should he look

Kook :yes bub now , you go and wait outside I'll come after talking to principal

Tae nod and got out of there and saw jimin waiting for him outside

Jimin : you are fine right tae , I am sorry I wasn't able help you with this thing

Tae : it's fine now koo is here

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