attention seeker

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Tae jumped on her with a big smile on his face which made kook sigh as he is not liking that person's presence and its non other than kooks cousin sister Lisa

Lisa is bigger than kook of months and also bigger than tae , Lisa has a sweet bond with tae but salty with kook cause kook doesn't call her noona as she want him to cause she is actually 6 MONTHS bigger than kook but for kook it's just ⁶ móñths and nothing big can happen in 6 months

Kook : why you are here Lisa ??

With a extra sweet smile which everyone can say is fake cause he wasn't liking the way she is holding tae

Lisa : yaah !! Brat I am 6 MONTHS older than you call me NOONA

Kook : it's just ⁶ months okay and leave my baby

Lisa : who said that he is your baby , bear tell me whose baby you are ??

Kook : who allow you to call my bub bear , he is my baby bear

Lisa : so what he is still my bear and I'll call him bear , do you have any problem in that than its your problem

Kook growled at that like a tiger who wanted to pull her head of her body but can't cause his bear will not like it

Tae : koo don't fight na , you know noona came here after years you should greet her like a good boy

Lisa : yeah kook now be a good boy and greet me properly

Lisa said as she know kook will never disobey tae , kook just sigh and greet her like a good boy

Kook : hello Lisa..

Lisa cutted her

Lisa : you forget to add noona

Kook glare at her but again said

Kook : hello Lisa noona , how are you , did you had you lunch like a hungry pig , like you always have your lunch ??

Tae : koooo !!

Kook : what baby now I said as you wanted , what now

Tae kookoo no you can't talk like this to noona

Kook : okay okay I get it but now you go upstairs you must be tired to upstairs and rest for sometime

Tae : but I wanna talk with noona

Kook : she is not going anywhere baby you go and rest

Tae : okay ( than turn to lisa and said ) , noona don't go anywhere we will talk in evening

Lisa nod and pinch tae's cute cheeks but his hand was harshly jerked away by a glaring kook who picked tae in bridal style and take him to their room

Lisa look at his brother's disappearing figure in disbelief suddenly got startled by chanbaek who was enjoying their daily dose of drama while enjoying their snacks with namjin sitting on the couch watching a movie while munching popcorn

Baek : don't worry Lisa it's normal , he is just overly protective towards his baby , don't think too much eat this

Baek said while handling a popcorn bowl to her which she munch and started to think deeply about this weird relationship but again jin startled him by speaking

Jin : don't think too much it's hard to understand for everyone , we thought about it before but fail to understand just go with the flow

Lisa : okay

With tae and kook

Tae came to his room which is practically kooks room and goes inside the closet and took out kooks hoodie and pant and his own inners which is always there as kook is the one who always want tae to put his clothes there

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