possessive koo

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A basement where a source of light a bulb immulating a light on two persons tied on chair with scratch on their bodies blood coming out of it sleep filled in eyes but wasn't able to close cause of tape stick on their eye brows wasn't letting them do that

Yoon : how is it going m*ther£u¢kèrs

Two person tied there wimper at the scary and deep voice

Yoon : won't you talk to me now how mean !!

Yoon said with a small pout

Yoon : okay don't talk your dead is on his way though

Both of them were shivering in fear as they can't think what is going to happen to them

Soon some foot steps nearing them could be heard they look at the direction to see kook smriking at them

Kook came near them bent to their level and spoke

Kook : do you think you will touch my baby and I'll leave you and you If some students come to you with a complaint you have to solve it but what you did , you ignore my baby cause of some stupid kid now enjoy your journey

Kook took a nail and hammer , he put the nail near that teachers hand and started to hammer it , that student sitting next to them was scared as hell and loose his consciousness soon ice cold water was splash on him to brought him back

Soon the torture goes for half an hour but kooks phone ring which stoped him two of them sign in relief breathing heavily cause of the torture

On the phone

Kook : yes bub you want something

Tae : koo when are you coming back Lisa noona said we are going for a movie but I don't want to go without you come fast na

Kook : bub can you go with them for now

Tae : no , if you are not coming I am staying home alone I won't go bye

Before kook can say something tae cut the call kook sigh and look at them both and open their ropes

Yoon raised his brow questioning him for his actions

Kook : let them go hyung , but if i see both of you doing this again I'll not hesitate to do that again

Both of them nod and started to limp outside .

Yoon : why did you let them go .

Kook : not in a mood to kill let's go we are going for a movie

Yoon : are you asking me on a date

Kook : yeah sure why not , but you have to pay the bills

Yoon : no I am fine , I'll go with my chimmy

Kook : yeah he will be their with angel only so let's go he will not step outside without me

Yoon : he and his tantrums

Kook : he just don't like to go anywhere without me and my baby never show tantrums okay

Yoon : yeah for that he need something to throw tantrums , here our mafia king will bring everything before he asked for it so that sentence is invalid

Kook : let's go my bub is waiting

Both started their own cars and goes to their mansion to bring their babies

Kook when enter Kim mansion the gaurd told him that everyone left but tae is still at Jeon mansion so he went to Jeon mansion when he enter his room his breath hitch looking at tae who is wearing a cute looking outfit

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