2. Hand of the King

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'Shit, shit, shit,' Taylor muttered as she ran down the halls shoving on her shoes as she ran straight into Tywin Lannister. He stared down at her.

'Sorry excuse me. You look great,' she told him kindly 'very official. Very handsome,' she added with a wink as she rushed into the throne room. He watched her go as the doors slammed shut. He pulled himself onto his white horse and made his way down the aisle he saw joffrey ready to anoint him as hand of the king once again but his eyes drifted to the woman that bumped into him. She stood next to the tyrells. Taylor. Younger than margaery and older than loras. She smiled up at him as he passed and he had to force himself to look away from her. That little smirk was trouble and he knew it.

'I Joffrey of house Baratheon the first of my name king of the andals and the first man, Lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm do you hear by proclaim my grandfather Tywin Lannister the savior of the city and the hand of the king.'

'Thank you Grace' Tywin said as he took the hand pin turned on his horse marching back down the hallway but he was drawn to her.


'Why have we stopped?' Joffrey demanded peeking out of the carriage gates, last time they walked back from the sept things ended badly so this time they were protected yet they were stopping in the middle of the streets. Joffrey was king, he shouldn't wait for anyone.

'It's lady Margaery your Grace.' The knight told him.

'What is she doing who gave her permission?' Joffrey sneered.

'My lady we should have guards my lady.' Margaery's handmaiden called after her.

'Why?' she asked as they marched through the streets they were coming back from the sept when Margaery noticed an orphanage. 'Pardon me,' she said sweetly walking around a large man dung was being dropped onto the streets in front of them, dumping their waste, not on them but in the streets, Margaery looked down at the mess in front of her.

'Stop my lady you will ruin your dress!' Her handmaiden said but Margaery marched right through.

'I have others,' she said her handmaiden hesitantly followed after her, Taylor laughed out as she marched through.

'He was a soldier he went to fight in the wars,' a little boy was telling her she went to an orphanage speaking with the children. Doting on them. 'he was going to Blackwater Bay he never came back,' the little boy told her

'And your mother?' Margaery questioned.

'She died when she had me.'

'Bad men wanted to come into the city and do terrible things but your father stopped them,' Margaery told them. She gave him a little wooden knight figurine, 'whenever you look at this knight I want you to remember your father.' She said handing it over to him.

'He wasn't a knight he was just a soldier,' he told her

'But what do knights swear to do? Protect the week and uphold the good,' she told him 'your father did that be proud of him,' she looked around at all the children 'was your father a soldier to?' She asked and another boy nodded 'you should be proud to,' she told him 'under King Joffrey's leader ship your father saved the city.' Margaery told them 'they saved us off from now on we're going to take care of you.'

Taylor had to keep the smirk from her lips, King Joffrey the child that was ushered back to his room but his grandfather saved the day. Taylor's father was a fat flower and liked to take credit for others work, Joffrey was a skinny weak little stag that got to be the hero of the war of black water bay. Tywin seemed and interesting man. Handsome, knowledgeable, skilled in battle. Quite fit for his age to. Taylor had enough of the knights at high garden, all young and pompous like Loras thinking themselves the very best. She was tired of young and inexperienced and the capitol was already proving to have some interesting options.

Margaery held out a little wooden knights were passed out to all the children 'I'm going to take care of you... all of you,' she said they grabbed her hand as they led her out. 'Come to me whenever you need to feed them clothe them or house then,' Margaery told the woman running the orphanage 'directly to me,' she kissed little girls cheek as they made their way back.

'Soon enough you will have little princes and princesses running about.' Taylor remarked.

'I know that look.' Margaery remarked.

'what look?" Taylor questioned as they got back in the carriage.

'Someone has caught your eye!' Margaery declared.

'A possibility.' Taylor agreed.

'Tell me!"

'I don't know him, I ran into him, literally.' Taylor told her. 'he probably has a wife and children and is perfectly happy.' Taylor told her although she knew Tywin HAD a wife and has three children all older than her but still a girl has to keep her options open.

'Don't settle for anyone less than perfect.' Margaery told her.

'says the woman marrying that little whiney king.' Taylor whispered back.

'Hush he is-'

'So brave! Saved the day!" Taylor mocked. 'I heard his mother had a fit and demanded he be brought back to his room. Children!" Taylor exclaimed. 'you are going to be the metaphorical man in the relationship.' Taylor told her.

'What does that mean?" Margaery questioned as they rode their carriage jostling them on the uneven ground.

'It means he is going to be a pussy his whole life and you are going to please him and cradle his fragile ego until the day you die.' Taylor told her confidently.

'Is that not how all men are?" Margaery mused.

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