8. Watch me

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Bride to be //Sandor Clegane is out now!!

'Lady Tyrell my king,' the guard declared with a knock at the door

'Enter,' Joffrey declared and Margaery entered so elegantly walking up to Joffrey. She looked around his room offering him the sweetest of smiles

'You wanted to see me your Grace?'

'I'm leaving on a hunting trip I just wanted to make sure you have everything you need before I left.' Joffrey told her

'That's very thoughtful of you your grace,' Margaery told him 'I have everything I could want.'

'Good,' he told her 'how are you finding life in the capital? Must be quite a change after Renly's camp.'

'Oh and a welcome to one,' she assured him 'one military encampment is no place for a Lady.'

'And the bedside of a traitor?' Joffrey added he had a crossbow in his hands he had it held in a way that it was pointed at her without looking threatening but being threatening all the same. 'is that a place for lady?'

'Your Grace... I tried to do my duty as a wife that is all.' Margaery insisted.

'What was your duty to this traitor?' Joffrey questioned.

'The duty of any wife to any husband,' Margaery told him 'to provide him with children.'

'You failed to do this? Why?'

'I... I would not speak ill of the dead your grace.' Margaery told him

'You think we're not to speak kindly?' Joffrey countered 'of a traitor merely because he was stabbed through the heart?"

'No I do beg your pardon the subtleties of politics are often lost on me... Renly... I don't believe he was interested in the company of women.' Margaery told him

'What makes you say this?'

'Whenever I wanted to make a child with him he...' She sat down next to him 'he had so many excuses so many late night war council he never wanted to try except one evening after he had far too much wine to drink he suggested some thing... Something that sounded very painful and currently possibly resulting children.' Margaery told him looking away from him a distance in her eyes but she turned away 'maybe the problem was with me,' she said innocently

'No.' Joffrey told her 'he was a known degenerate..'

'It's such a relief to hear you say so you're Grace.' she said grabbing onto his arm lovingly

'It's OK... I've considered making his perversion punishable by death.' Joffrey told her

'As you're right,' Margaery told him 'you must do whatever you need to do,' she said running her hands along the bow of his crossbow 'you are the king.'

'Yes.' he loved when people said that 'I am,' he agreed her hand trail along the bow still. 'do you like it?' He gestured to the crossbow. 'I just had it made probably one of the finest weapons in the seven kingdoms.' he told her

'It's beautiful will you show me how it works?' Margaery asked

'It's a new design much easier to load there's no crank use this lever,' he told her demonstrating 'and you pull the string,' she watched with interest 'the bow goes here... And then you just...' he got up and he shot directly through the boars eyes Margaery stood up clapping

'Would you take me hunting sometime? Forgive me your grace I know I hunt is no place for a woman.' Margaery Admitted

'Says who?' Joffrey told her

'Well my father would never let me before-'

'You no longer belong to him.' Joffrey reminded her 'do you want to hold it?'

'May I? Please.' she said and he wrapped his arms around her putting the bow in her arms. 'I imagine it must be so exciting to squeeze your finger here and watch some thing die over there,' she said and Joffrey loved the darkness in this woman

'Would you do it? Could you kill something?' he said slowly

'I don't know your Grace do you think I could?' She asked innocently

'Yes,' he answered

'Would you like to watch me?' They looked at the reflection in the mirror and his arms wrapped tighter around her.

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