28. Am I Queen?

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'So am I the queen?' Margaery questioned Olenna.

'More than you were with Renly less than you would've been if Joffrey had of done you the courtesy of consummating the marriage before dying,' Olenna told her 'in any case this would not be an opportune moment to press the issue.'

'clawing at his own throat looking to his mother to make it stop,' Margaery said shaking her head 'it was horrible.'

'Agreed, his face is engraved in my mind.' Taylor told them. 'I lost a grandson.' Taylor remarked.

'The world is overflowing with horrible things but they're all a tray of cakes next to death they brought me your grandfather's body when they died and made me look at it.' Olenna told her.

'What was it like?'

'They took me to the great Hall and there he was the man I married and suffered to father my children a great doughy lump. I'd sat next to through useless dinners and tedious gatherings,' Olena told her 'and there he was lying on the table.'

'One of my husbands preferred the company of men and was stabbed through the heart, another was happiest torturing animals and was poisoned at our wedding feast I must be cursed.' Margaery told her

'Nonsense,' Olena declared 'your circumstances have improved remarkably you may not have enjoyed watching him die but you enjoyed it more than you would've enjoyed being married to him I can promise you that.'

'I would've been the queen.' Margaery reminded her

'Our alliance with the Lannister's remains every bit as necessary to them as it is unpleasant for us. You did wonderful work on Joffrey the next one should be easier.'

'I can put in a good word with Tywin.' Taylor assured. 'Tommen seems sweeter of the brothers from what ive seen.' Taylor remarked. 'maybe grandmother is right.'

"Of course I am.'


'Your grace.' Oberon stood up as cersei approached.

'Prince....' Cersei said looking down to his parchment. 'who are you writing to?'

'A poem actually.' Oberyn corrected

'May I show you the gardens?' Cersei question

'well I couldn't really refuse a royal escort,' Oberyn mused.

'No you couldn't.' Cersei agreed 'I did not realize you were a poet.'

'I'm not a very good one.'

''For your Paramore...' Cersei said sweetly.

'my daughter.' Oberyn corrected.

'You have several don't you?' cersei recalled


'8? Eight daughters.' Cersei said amazed.

'The fifth is difficult.' oberyn admitted 'I named her after my sister.' he clarified. 'But I cannot say her name without sounding sad and after being sad I grow angry.' Oberyn remarked.

'Perhaps that's why she's difficult.' Cersei told him. 'Gods love their stupid jokes don't they?"?

'Which joke is that?' Oberyn questioned

'You are the prince of dorne legendary fighter and a great man feared throughout Westeros but you could not save your sister. I am a Lannister queen for 19 years and daughter of the most powerful man alive but I could not save my son... what good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?'

'We can avenge them.' Oberyn told her

'Yes.' she agreed 'we can avenge them.'

'You really believe Tyrion murdered your son?' Oberyn questioned knowing full well Tyrion wouldn't be so stupid.

'I know he did.' Cersei sneered.

'He will have a trial and we will find the truth.' Oberyn said simply.

'I have not seen my daughter in over a year.' Cersei said looking over the water.

'Last time I saw her she was fine, with two of my girls in the water gardens.' Oberyn admitted 'laughing in the sun.'

'I want to believe that I want to believe she's happy.'

'You have my word we do not hurt little girls in Dorne.' Oberyn told her.

'everywhere in the world they hurt little girls.' Cersei countered. 'Would you bring her gift for me? I wasn't there for her name day and I want to give her some thing.'

'Anything at all.' Oberyn agreed it was the least he could do.

'The best shipwrights in Kings Landing have been working on it for months.' she pointed at a sailing boat

'It's beautiful.' Oberyn admitted.

'Marcella loves the water.'

'We will have it sailed down to Sun spear for her.' Oberyn told her,

'Please tell her... Her mother misses her very much.' Cersei added sadly.

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