14. Awkward

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Shae was helping sansa change when a handmaiden came in the room,

'Lady Sansa, Lord Tyrion is here to see you.' she said and shae quickly redressed the girl

'I beg your pardon my lady.' tyrion said come into the room

'I beg your pardon my lord,' sansa countered. 'I was just trying on the ground for King Joffrey's wedding.'

'Yes it should be quite a wedding I need to speak with you lady sansa.....' His eyes moved to shae.

'Of course.' Sansa agreed.

'Alone if I may?' Tyrion questioned again his gaze moving to shae. shae didn't move though she looked at Tyrion stubbornly.

'It's all right shae but I do trust her even though she tells me not to.' sansa informed Tyrion.

'Sometimes... We think we want to hear some thing it's only afterward when it is too late that we realize we wish we heard it under entirely different circumstances.' Tyrion said awkwardly.

'It's all right really.' sansa encouraged

'How to begin...' tyrion said closing the door, 'well this is awkward.'


'Golden chains...' Shae fingered the jewelry.

'You could buy a ship with this.' he offered

'Do I need to ship? Am I going somewhere?' shae questioned aggressively.

'Of course you're not going anywhere.' Tyrion told her, knowing Shae's temper he knew it had to be her choice leaving he was just giving her a push in the right direction.

'So am I invited to your wedding?' shae teased.

'I didn't ask for this marriage I didn't want it.' Tyrion told her and shae scoffed 'This is duty not desire-'

'she is beautiful and noble.' Shae snapped.

'I don't have a choice.' he told her 'my father-'

'He does not rule the world.' shae reminded him with a laugh.

'Is this funny to you? I am Tyrion of Castlery rock I have a duty and obligation I can't just say no to him.' Tyrion pleaded

'And I am shae the funny whore.' she said sneering down at him

'I will marry Sansa Stark I will do my duty to her.'

'Will I always be a chambermaid emptying pots?'

'I swear it wont be like that-' Tyrion told her but Shae went about stomping around the room. 

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