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I'll soon stop with the booth photos 🤍


I slipped on my shoes and grabbed the keys to my car as well as my small cross-over bag and linked arms with my best friend, Arabella Oleff.

Today is the opening of the new fair in town and with as childish as we are, we decided we had to go.

On the way to the fair, we stopped and bought a Dr Pepper and a bag of chips to share, then we're on our way again.

"Do you remember Lili from science class last year?" Arabella asked as she reached into the bag pulling out a combined chip.

"I think so, The girl that would try to hard?" I asked looking at her. She looked away in thought, something she does, and looked back to me, nodding. "Yeah, I let her borrow my pencil in the 3rd grade and she never returned it." I said with a frown and Arabella rolled her eyes with a slight chuckle.

"Well, she added me on Snapchat and we've been texting." She said shyly and I looked over at my best friend with a shocked expression.

"Holy shit! She's like- so hot! I would have never expected someone like her to even date you, or- wait she's gay?" I stopped my self before saying too much.

"Okay for one, nothing serious has happened yet, and I don't really know. She hasn't leaked her sexuality yet." She responded and I nodded before pulling into the parking lot.

"We're here!" I yelled as I parked the car and took the keys out of the ignition.

We paid for our tickets and linked arms once again, skipping to the Merry-Go-Round.

"I can't wait!" Arabella said and I looked at her with a smile before coming into hard contact with someone, loosing my balance and falling backward to the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" The boy said, reaching his hand down to help me up. I looked up with a small smile and grabbed it as he pulled me to my feet and I took that time to get a look of his face.

"You fucking idiot! I told you to watch where your going! Now look what you've done." Another boy said who looked just like him. "We are so sorry! Chris has no sense of direction, at all." He said looking at me as he stuck his hand out to shake mine. "I'm Nick!" He said and I took his hand in mine.

"Cassie, I'm also sorry. I should have been watching where I was going." I said and Nick shook his head in disapproval.

"Nonsense, Chris was in your way and he also apologizes for that, right?" Nick said, turning to the boy as he nodded with an awkward smile.

"Are you guys going to just stand there like fucking dumbasses or are you going to help me?" Another boy said from behind them, he was carrying 2 large teddy bears so I couldn't see his face.

"Oh, sorry. This is Matt." Nick said introducing me to the other boy. "If you haven't noticed, we are triplets, unfortunately." He said the last part mostly to himself. I giggled as I noticed Chris roll his eyes.

"Actually, your very lucky to have siblings, I'm an only child." I said and Chris gave me a look of sympathy. "But, Arabella has been my best friend since I was in primary school so she's like the sister I've always wanted I guess." I said and Arabella gave me a smile before turning to the boy and holding out her hand.

"Like she said, I'm Arabella Oleff. Born and raised here. I'm 18 and very energetic..." She said and Nick shook her hand with a polite smile. "Well, we have some rides to enjoy, it was very nice meeting you all. I hope to see you guys later." Arabella said with a smile before grabbing my arm and dragging me off and that's when it happened. Our eyes locked. He stared at me as I took in his features. His fluffy brunette hair, his crystal blue eyes, his lips. Everything. He shot me a smile then gave me a small wave before turning back to his brothers and helping the other one carry the stuffed animals and I turned back to Arabella who was jumping up and down in the line like a 5 year old. "You like him don't you?" She said randomly, catching my attention.

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