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- Cassie -
Nick walked on my left, Matt held my hand as he walked on my right, and Chris followed close behind, stopping every few seconds to pick up rocks like a toddler. "You can't bring those inside." Nick said, looking back at Chris with a eye roll.

"Why not? It's nature we're talkin' about." I giggled at his sudden accent.

"Chris, you're 19, not 10. Drop the damn rocks and quite being an idiot." Matt quickly spoke up, while Nick nodded in agreement, and I stayed quiet, not sure what to do.

We entered an elegant Italian restaurant called Brera Ristorante, which seemed way out of our regular budget, but the boys entered without a care.

"Welcome to Brera, do you have any reservations?" A man asked us at the entrance. He had a very nice accent, and he wore a white t-shirt, that had the restaurant name embroidered in the left corner.

"Sturniolo. S-T-U-R-N-I-O-L-O." Nick spoke to the man, spelling out their tricky last name. I held Matt's hand, looking around the restaurant, noticing couples dressed up in fine jewelry, dark colored dresses, and suits, suddenly causing me to feel underdressed.

We followed the man to a reserved table for 4, and the man sat a few menus down on the table, then left. Matt pulled my chair out for me, and I smiled gently, kind of shocked.

I was more so used to eating out at Denny's, and laughing about random jokes that Nick would bring up at the table.

I immediately realized we were surrounded by rich couples, with napkins stuffed in their shirts. The types of people that would pay more then 100$ for a simple glass plate with a leaf sitting on top. The types of people that could buy the entire restaurant, and the people working there, if someone simply added to many salt grains to their dish.

My mind trailed off, and I only came back to my senses when Matt tapped my thigh to notify me that the waiter was ready to take our order.

"Can I get the caesarean salad, with meatballs on the side?" Nick asked, the waiter nodding with a polite and confident smile.

"Uhm, I'll have the Gnocchi, please?" Chris asked, shocking me with his sudden attitude and enthusiasm to act his age.

Matt and I ordered a Coppia pizza, and we each order regular sodas, Chris ordering his Pepsi, Nick and I ordering a Dr.Pepper, and Matt ordering a Root-beer.

"There's a carnival downtown, and its only 9:47. One more hour and half spent here, and we can catch it since they close it down at 1." Matt suggested, Chris shooting him an excited look.

"Can we go?!" He asked Nick, bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Not if you don't sit your ass down. Those people are looking at us. And i'll be damned if I get kicked out of here because of your childish actions." Nick leant over, scolding him.

Chris glared at him, slowly raising his middle finger, earning another dirty look from a middle aged couple 2 tables from us.

"Most people would look at you and refuse to believe that you'll be 20 in a few months.!" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

Nearly 10 minuets later, we got our plates and began eating. Halfway into our meal, Nick pulled out his camera, and began recording, and I tried to ignore it, and act normal.

I've always had nerve problems when it came to them recording. Not because it annoyed me, but because their fans were kind of crazy, and will literally attack anyone when it comes to the boys, so that's why I've always chosen to stay out of the keyframe.

"Cass, are you okay?" Matt nudged my side, noticing that I trailed off again. I smiled, nodding then letting out a giggle as Chris blew through his straw, causing the paper to fly around and hit Nick in the ear.

"You asshole." Nick rubbed his ear,

We all finished eating and Nick asked for the bill, quickly paying and leaving a tip, then we grabbed our things and left for the car.

"Can we go to the carnival? Please, Matt, I'll be good." He begged, holding his hands up under his chin.

"Fine, I'll pay for the tickets." He sighed, exiting the parking lot as Chris cheered in the back.


We made it to the carnival, and each got out, looking around. Matt handed Nick his money and asked him to pay the guy at the ticket booth, and Nick agreed, noticing that he was too anxious to do it himself.

"Hi, can I get 4 tickets?" Nick asked in a cheerful and polite tone. Matt squeezed my hand, smiling down at me, and Chris, once again, was picking up rocks and putting them in his jacket pocket.

"Yeah, that'll be 20." The man said, taking the money from nicks hand, and giving him 4 wrist bands. Nick put one on Chris, me, and Matt, then asked me to put his on and I agreed.

A moment later, we entered the gate and walked around as Chris pointed to a ride, beaming at Matt. We all nodded, walking toward it and getting on. Chris and Nick sat in front of Matt and I, and two girls sat behind us.

The ride started, and Chris began screaming loudly-along with four other people-while Matt and I laughed at him.

I looked over at Matt, who wore a face of pure enjoyment, and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

After the ride ended, the girls who sat behind Matt and I walked up to us and asked for a picture, so I stepped back, but one of the girls stopped me.

"No, uh, actually could you be in it?" She asked kindly, smiling at me and it made me feel involved, but I couldn't understand why she wanted me to be in it. After we took a photo, they hugged the boys, and me too?

"That was kind of weird." I spoke, still shocked.

"How come? We get noticed a lot around teen girls, it doesn't bother me." We walked hand-in-hand.

"No, I'm talking about how they wanted me in the picture." I looked at him, taking a deep breath as Chris ran to a cotton candy stand.

"Why wouldn't they? You're my girlfriend." He smiled, clearly affected by the used word.

"That's why. We're together, and- you know what I'm talking about, Matt. When a male is famous, their main fanbase is girls, especially a teenage male. If that famous male gets a girlfriend, or is involved with a girl in general, the fanbase instantly hates her." I explained the obvious, him walking up to Chris and grabbing a piece of cotton candy.

"Well Cass, the fanbase seems to really like you!" Nick exclaimed from behind me, also taking a huge hand-full of the cotton candy.

"Hey! Get your own." Chris frowned, shielding his cotton candy with his free arm, making me let out a slight laugh. "Also, Nick is right. We already told you the fanbase doesn't hate you! Now, some random people who claim to be a 'fan' might not like you, because they also don't like us." Matt and Nick nodded, being in sync as they grabbed another piece of cotton candy. I just walked, still confused.

"So, now do you want to be in our videos more often?" Matt asked, returning by my side and picking up my hand in his. I smiled, shrugging.


NEW CHAPTER DONE!!! You guys- we literally have 1 more chapter, and I'm so nervous.

So, I've decided since lookalike has reach 2 THOUSAND VIEWS!? I'm gonna make 35 extra long, which means, extra time will be needed. which ALSO means, you guys will need to give me all your patience.

Trust me, I don't want this book to end either, but sometimes, we got to do what's for the best :(

I'm also drained af. LOL.

I want to say I'm so thankful for you guys. Please follow me for more book updates bc I will be ending this one after the next chapter, and focusing on my newest ;)

And yea, who knows? maybe ill make another Sturniolo fic after my next one?


Bye luvs :)

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