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This chapter will be written from more point of views so make sure you pay attention 🫶🏼




- Arabella -

I didn't want to actually hurt her. She always won over every guy with her looks. Maybe I was jealous but I really wanted her to feel negativity. I listened close to their conversation as I listened to Cassie mostly.

"I just... can't believe she's okay with hurting me." I felt that. I really felt it. My heart cracked as she spoke. "I really loved her and she did this to me. She was like my sister! When I was hurting or heartbroken, I'd come to her." She cried more and I felt tears stinging at my eyes. I quickly turned away and went downstairs to leave.

"What's wrong, Arabella?" Chris asked placing an arm on my shoulder.

"I can't keep doing this... I really hurt her. And I'm sorry because I dragged you into this. She's right. I was being a cold hearted bitch. I only wanted her to feel the pain that I felt for years on end. I can't believe how far I took this all. Please forgive me, and please let her know I'm sorry. I'm going to do her the favor and leave her alone." I said as I cried and grabbed my bag, turned and left.




- Chris -
I felt what she was talking about. And she was right about everything she said. She was being jealous and I went along with what she was doing. I even hurt Cassie and I got mad at Matt for treating her with the respect she deserved.

"Oh, hey." I said to Nick and he looked up at me. "Can we talk?" Nick rolled his eyes but nodded. "I know I messed up. I fucked up so bad that I lost someone special."

"Yeah, you really did." He said.

"Your not helping."

"And neither are you." He said back. I nodded.

"Fair enough." He nodded. "I know she hates me, and I know she hates Arabella but... I want her to forgive me." I said and Nick nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, she's not going to forgive you... you cussed her out for kissing Matt but you literally cheated on her with her best friend. I'd be pretty pissed. I would probably cut your fucking dick off." He said and I giggled a little. "I'm not kidding." He said flatly and I nodded.

"I know. I'm sorry. But really, I want her to be happy. And if Matt is the key to that, then I accept it." I said and Nick nodded again.

"I understand, but it will take a lot of work for her to be happy again, especially with you." He replied. I nodded once and excused myself to the bathroom.


- Nick -
This drama is killing me. I absolutely can not stand it. Chris wants to be friends with Cassie and she wants him to jump off a bridge. This is gonna be difficult as fuck.

I walked up to her room as I knocked gently, hearing her on the other end, I pushed the door open.

"Oh, sorry. Hope I didn't interrupt." I said and she sat up shaking her head.

"No, you didn't. What's up?" She asked and I shrugged sitting at the bottom of her bed.

"It's about Arabella and Chris. He wants to be friends with you!" I shouted quietly and she rolled her eyes.

"He told me the other morning. I already explained to him, that I'd accept his apology only if he moved on with his life." She said and I nodded in understanding.

"Okay, but he was sincere about it. I really think you should try giving him a second chance. He even said he accepted that Matt makes you happy. He also apologizes to you, Matt." I said looking at him and Matt just stared at me.

"He really has no reason to be apologizing to me. But her," He said pointing a finger to Cassie. "He owes her a huge apology." Matt exclaimed and I nodded looking down at my hands.

"What about Arabella?" Cassie asked and she brought back the conversation I heard earlier.

"I heard her and Chris speaking. I was kind of ease-dropping but I'm glad because she's not hurting you on accident. It's purposely, and it's definitely affected her! She explained everything to Chris!" I took a deep breath. "She knows how badly she hurt you. And she even admitted to dragging Chris into her plan. She said she only ever wanted you to experience the pain that she went through for years." I said and sat there as Cassie looked at me in confusion.

"Your point?" Matt asked and I rolled my eyes. "Chris cheated on her for gods sake! With her best friend! How do you think she felt when she seen those photos! Absolutely distraught! You would never understand, Nick. And don't you dare even think about saying your on their side." Matt yelled and Cassie grabbed his arm as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry you guys. Your right, Matt. But everyone deserves a second chance, right Cas?" I asked looking at Cassie and she shrugged.

"I don't know. What she said hurt, really bad. I know I said bad things back but it really got to me." She said and I nodded.

"Well, give it some thought." I replied and she nodded with a smile. I returned to my room and changed into something more comfortable. That included a white t-shirt and some random sweatpants.

I went on my phone and uploaded to my story and laid down, shutting my eyes, I eventually fell asleep.




- Cassie -


"I want to forgive her, I really do! But I just don't think I'm ready. I feel like I forgive people to easily." I sat in front of him. He nodded his head slowly as he held my hands in his.

"Forgive her when the time is right. You don't even have to forgive her if you don't want to. What she did was so wrong and she knew it would hurt you really badly." Matt said back to me and I shot him a small smile as he pulled my small form into a hug. "Wanna go to sleep now, love?" He asked and I nodded with a smile.

We got laid down under the covers and he pulled me close as I felt the heaviness in my eye lids take over and I soon drifted to a comfortable sleep.




When I woke up, I felt instantly better and revived. I took a few deep breaths as I carried myself into the bathroom.

Matt was passed out on the bed so I didn't want to bother him. I quietly walked down to the kitchen once I was finished in the bathroom and I noticed Nick on the couch, with his laptop.

I caught his attention and he turned around with a bright smile across his face.

"Good morning! How did you sleep?" He asked cheerfully.

"Uh, great. You?" I returned the favor and sat down beside him.

"Pretty good. Have you given the whole situation, any thought?" He brought it back up...

"Nick, I don't think I'm ready. I know forgiveness is important, but it's also earned." I said back to him and he slowly nodded.

"Your right. But you'll know when the time is right. I'm not trying to pressure you, okay?" He tilted his head and caught a different glimpse of me.

I nodded quickly and heard someone behind us. I quickly turned my head to find Arabella standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"I was uh... just leaving." She said and I nodded turning back to Nick. He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes. Mouthing the word 'no', I stood up and turned to the kitchen.





Thanks for reading, I really hope your satisfaction was met with this chapter 🫶🏼

Byee! -T

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