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It's been a month since we've been dating and everything has been going well. I really like Cassie, but something is off.

I don't love her.

The other day, she told me she loved me and I wanted to say it back. I really did, but then I'd be lying to her and that's not how I want things to be between us. She didn't say anything after that, I think she mostly ignored it.

On my way to the living room, I heard giggling from a distance so I stopped at the entrance of the room to notice Matt and Cassie on the couch, play fighting. That's usually something Matt does to close friends so I brushed it off, dodging the jealousy.

Dude, if we were filming, I could smell the edits from a mile away...

"Matt! We uh, have to record for tomorrows video." I said breaking the sound of giggles. He looked at me then at Cassie and she nodded so he stood and followed me out to the car. "What's up with you and Cassie?" I asked looking at him with a feeling in my stomach.

"Uh, nothing? Don't be so insecure Chris. We are just getting along, you should be grateful. I never even wanted you to get a girlfriend because that takes time away from me and you." He said and I instantly felt guilty. He's right, we haven't been talking as much since we met Cassie.

"Oh, okay." Was all I said before getting in the car, noticing Nick to already be in the back seat. "Where the fuck did you come from?" I asked turning in my seat to face Nick, who was focused on the camera.

"Same place you did, dumbass." He said jokingly causing me to roll my eyes playfully.

"You charged the camera, right?" Matt asked as he turned the key in the ignition as the vans engine was heard. He nodded so Matt began driving. I turned on the radio, hooking the aux while I played Lil Skies.

We pulled into the McDonald's parking lot while Nick turned on the camera and the video started. I didn't say much for the whole video, I mainly sat in silence while Nick and Matt argued over which food is better.

"Chris? Aren't you going to predict something?" Nick asked as he tapped my shoulder. I looked up at him and nodded.

"I feel like, wait for the future?" I asked and they both nodded. "They might change the McDonalds quote." I said with a chuckle in my tone and Matt gave me a look of concern.

"That's actually good though..." Nick said with his hand over his mouth. "Is that all?" He asked and I nodded propping my head against the window.

The rest of the video went on and I began to feel sick so I excused myself from the van. I know Matt would never do anything with Cassie but, it bothers me.

Matt is everything a girl could ever want. Good looking, smart, polite... everything. I'm just not enough for someone like... her.


We finished filming and headed home where I found Cassie asleep in my bed with her head stuffed under the covers.

I took off my forces and changed into sweatpants and a tank top, then climbed into bed next to her.

Whatever I was feeling, I'm sure was only a phase of our relationship and I'm positive it'll go away soon.


The next morning, Chris was very distant toward me. He didn't sit beside me during breakfast, he let Nick sit in the passenger seat which isn't like him, he hasn't even spoken to Cassie the way he usually does. Cassie leant over the counter to kiss him and he dodged it, allowing her to kiss his cheek only. I noticed the hurt expression on her face so I tried cheering her up by inviting her to play animal crossing with me.

"Aw man, I guess you won that round." I said with a giggle as I felt pressure on my side and noticed Cassie leaning on me, laughing hard.

I love her, she's like my best friend but, sometimes I feel more then just that. I want to say I have feelings for her in a way I shouldn't but she's my brothers girl friend. And there is no way she feels the same.

The game went on and I enjoyed the time we spent together until she started yawning so I offered to help her to bed but she declined. "No I'm okay." She kept saying. A few minuets pass and the game is still going but I notice she hasn't spoken for a while so I looked over to find her knocked out on the bed, asleep.

I'll just sleep on the couch...

I stood from the bed and covered her up, exiting the room to make my way downstairs where Nick and Chris sat, chatting at the kitchen table.

"Your overreacting, she doesn't think about him in that type of way, and Matt wouldn't ever do that to you. He's your brother." Nick said, taking a sip of his capri~sun.

"Your right, sorry for bothering you, I'm gonna go lay down." Chris replied and stood from his seat. He turned around and our eyes locked before his face dropped and he slid past me.

"What was that all about?" I asked Nick once I heard the door to Chris' room shut.

He looked up at me and shrugged. "He thinks your stealing his girlfriend." He said, rolling his eyes. "He's being pathetic."

"Yeah, I don't even think of Cassie in that way. Plus, he's only jealous that we get along better, because he never talks to her." I responded and Nick nodded.

"Do you like her?" He asked.

Yes. "No." Was all I said before sitting beside Nick. He was finishing up on editing the video for today so I sat and watched him.

I understand if Chris is angry, but he has no reason to be. I feel something for Cassie but I can suffer in silence so my brother can be happy. That is, if he wants to be...
Thanks for reading! Hope you like this chapter and if so, leave a vote, comment, and follow me for more updates! 🫶🏼
Byee! -T

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