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I kinda wanna end the book at 30. I love this series sm, but it's tiring me out. But then I really don't- so I'm gonna keep it going until 50, or 60 :)

Also, I'm so sorry for being inactive. I'm gonna skip tour because it's too stressful for me lmao.

Idk what happened when i uploaded this chapter, but i had a full ass chapter wrote out to be at least 4k works and wattpad cut my chapter short when i posted it. idk if it was bc of the two dif devices i used during the making of the chapter- anyways. can we kind of ignore last chapter please... thanks :)

I love you guys so much!
please enjoy. <3


- Cassie -
Tour had ended shortly after February had begun, and the boys were exhausted. Meeting their fans was so exciting to them, but it was constant travel and back-to-back drama.

I could tell that it was hard for Matt to get used to such huge crowds, but a few weeks into tour, i noticed the change in his attitude. He was really enjoying it.

With it being winter, and us being on the road, we went through lots of blankets in a week. Tril and Malcolm spent most of their time going over the songs they'd be performing, and who would sing what, which was beginning to get annoying. Especially since they'd argue over verses a lot. Meanwhile, Max just sat in the corner watching them, same as everyone else.

Today was Tuesday, and Nick was up in his room editing, Chris was on the game with Malcolm and Matt was dead asleep in bed. I made breakfast, and prepared plates for everyone when Tril came up the stairs, looking around as if he had no clue where he was.

I stared at him in confusion, waiting to see if he'd speak, which he did.

"I want to carve a pumpkin." He mumbled, slowly walking to the couch, where he plopped down onto it, covering his head with a blanket.

"What the fuck..." I whispered under my breath, shaking my head.

I checked the time, and realized Matt needed to eat, so i walked to the room and turned the light on, seeing him stir around in his sleep.

"Matty, I know you're tired, but your have to eat." I whispered, rubbing his back to wake him up.

He moved a little, then he stretched sitting up to look at me with squinted eyes, clearly the light was bothering him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him, he nodded standing up to fix the bed but I stopped him. "You can eat in bed as long as you don't make a mess." I sounded like a mother, speaking down on him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because i hate cleaning up food messes." I said, as if it were obvious.

"No, why am i allowed to eat in bed, all of a sudden?"

"Because love, you're tired. I don't want you to be uncomfortable while you eat." He smiled lazily and nodded, kissing my cheek as i left the room.

A moment later, I came back with his plate and he was fully back to sleep again. Rolling my eyes with a slight smile, I sat the glass plate on his bedside table, which seemed to wake him. "Oh, hi." He said, his voice raspy and tired. I gave him a small wave as he sat up again.

"You really need to eat, at least a little." He nodded, grabbing his plate and starting to slowly eat. I leant down to kiss his forehead and then left the room.

I brought everyone else their plates, understanding that they didn't have to eat at the table since it was ridiculous. I sat on a chair in Nick's room, watching him edit as he talked about random things. "Matt talks a lot of shit on camera, but i cut it out so the fans don't attack him, i just think it's funny how i can keep the clips of him screaming at me, and the fans would totally change their opinions on him." He laughed.

"Totally. He can be very calm, but very outrageous at times." We both giggled at the thought of fans attacking Matt.

"People think I make him anxious." He laughed, thinking about it.

"How pathetic." He looked at me with tears of laughter in his eyes, continuing to cackle.


Everyone slept for the rest of the day, but not me. I laid in bed watching Netflix. heard mumbling from beside me, and I realized matt was talking in his sleep.

"Cheerios are terrible." he whispered. "They have no flavor..." He trailed off, turning over. I giggled a little, noticing that he was on another topic. "Christmas is coming up..."


The day passed by in a blur, and finally I was back in bed, beside Matt who was still somehow sound asleep. I pushed the hair out of his eyes so I could see his full face, and he seemed so peaceful. His face was relaxed, and his breathing was leveled with his heartbeat. I took the free time to stare at his small details, the shape of his eyes, his soft, pink lips. He was such a perfect boy, and I wasn't just now realizing this.

He stirred a little in his sleep, before waking up and looking at me. I smiled warmly at him as he did the same. "Hi." He said, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand.

"Hey." I ran my hand through his hair. "Sleep good?" He giggled, nodding is head.

"Yeah, I kind of have a headache." He placed his hand over his head.

"Do you need some Advil, or... like, why does it hurt?" I asked.

"I don't know, I guess I slept too long." He giggled, me smiling at his little laugh.

I laid my head down on the pillow and moved closer to Matt, as he wrapped an arm around me. Then soon I drifted off to sleep.




Finally lmaooo. I'm so sorry for taking so long to publish, I'm moving houses so shits been hectic but ima try to start publishing as often as I can.

I spent a few days on this chapter and it's short as hell so I'm disappointed lollll.

I also had a chapter wrote out, and it was written during tour, but I forgot to save it, so I lost it :/ but I hope this chapter was okay, and you guys should expect another chapter within the next day or 2.

Bye everyone, also tysmmm for 1.1k views. I literally cant believe this- I swear I am sooo thankful for every singe one of you!!

I love you all <3

Bye x

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