The beginning of your Hell

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You and Eddie we're walking together to hawkin's high school "Soooo Y/N heard there's gonna be a new student in our grade!" Eddie said,you didn't really but you still wanted to ask questions to Eddie about this Unlucky person that just moved into this hell hole of a town "That's great i guess? Do you know anything about them?" Eddie sigh then says "I don't know but  people said it was a guy, maybe he's hot? Orrrr maybe he's a nerd" you face palmed knowing Eddie was teasing you ever since you came out as being gay to Eddie he kept teasing you about guys and at first when you came out of the closet he was confused at first what it meant being gay and stuff but then got the hint. "Whatever probably another one of those guys that thinks pushing people inside a locker is funny or something" Eddie laughed even though it was not that funny


you finnaly arrive at hawkins's  High school  just as Eddie was about to say something a loud car engine suprised everyone, a 1979 Chevrolet Camaro Z-28 pulling inside the high school's parking lot "Stranger i've never seen that car before must be the new student?" Eddie says intrigued by the entrance, you glare and say "Yeah Definitely a Show off" you look at the car's license plate "huh? The new student is Californian? Wow who would have thought someone that far would want to come into this hell hole of a town" Eddie laughs at your comment as a ginger headed girl gets out of the vehicle with her skateboard placing it on the ground and skateboarding to the middle school just next to the high school, then the driver's door open as one legs sticks out stumping the ground then another one the driver goes out of the car , dirty blonde mullet hair , perfect build definitely one of those playboy you think as you heard Carol,Tina and another girl talking about how hot the new student is, you heard Tina mentions the new Student's ass , by curiousity you looked as his ass and damn his jeans makes his ass look tight not that you we're interested in this guy then Eddie lightly punch your shoulder and says "HELLO!!!!! Wake up Y/N earth to Y/N you've been looking at this guy's for like 3 minutes" you blush and scream "NO i wasn't!" Apparently you shouting took the attention of the new student as he sends a glare,chilling your spine "ugh... Its just this guy gives the vibe of: OH I LOVE TO CHOKE MY VICTIMS AND WATCH THEM" you whisper to Eddie who looks unamused by your judgment now he just sigh and drags you into the hallways of the high school, you think this year is definitely gonna be so bad.

You sit there at your desk in the back of the class starting the day with Mathematics unlucky you, your math teacher shouts "Okay listen up everyone! As you all know we have a new student! Please welcome him" the same guy from the parking lot enters the classroom "Hi i'm Billy Hargrove." He says sending glares at everyone in the class then the teacher said "Okay Mr.Hargrove You'll be sitting......" she check the classroom for an open seat you realised theres only 2 open seat one next to you on your right and another open seat between 2 girls you pray that she doesn't put that fuckboy looking guy next to you but then "ahhh how about you seat next to Mr.Henderson in the back, Henderson raise you hand so Billy knows who you arr" you raise your hand and Billy smiles he seat next to you and say "For a boy your voice sounds like a girl" was he really hitting on you or just insulting you? You turn your head to him and said "Says the one with long hair thought you we're a girl for a second with your back turned" he's shocked by you daring to talk back to you and glares at you the entire morning clearly being pissed off by your comeback.


You just we're minding your own business in lunch when Tina comes up to your face "Hey Emo boy! I'm inviting you to an halloween party i'm hosting everyone from high school will be here" you sigh and turn to her "sure i guess but i need one for Eddie" her smile frowns as she heard the "freak's" name and then said "Ugh Fine just because i tolerate you" she gives two shitty looking invitations and run aways to where Nancy is asking her the same thing, then Eddie jumps you from behind BOO! , "Fuck! Eddie Thats so uncool!"

"Haha sorry couldn't hold myself umm hey whats those?" He points at the bad designed invitations "Oh that? Thats the invitations to the halloween party Tina is hosting, i have another one its for you so? You coming?" You grin but then frowned when he said "Ahh sorry Henderson (quick reminder: You're an Henderson if you forgot) but parties aren't for me" you we're sad "oh ok guess i'll go alone then..." Eddie responds saying "Non sense! i heard that hot new guy is coming to the party!" You blush but shake your head Eddie notices it and laugh a bit then the bell rangs, "welp Big boy have to go now see cya Henderson!" Eddie runs into one of the hallways while you get up but then crashes into Tommy H "Watch it Queer!" he shout to you, you flip him off and ignore his entitled ass and head to your next class.
Your after noon went by as you keep noticing the new guy whats his name again? William? Will? Bill.... Bi... ah yes Billy he kept glaring at you apparently still not over the discussion you guys had, you wait for you little brother Dustin since he just finished he walks up to you with his one of his friends called Lucas "hey! Big brother me and Lucas are going to the arcade and we thought you might wanna come?" says Dustin looking exciting as ever you shrug and said "sure i'll go because mom said she doesn't want you alone under no supervision since your friend will dissapeard then reappeared suddenly" you see Billy and the same ginger hair girl getting in the car Billy sees you and glares at you then drives away rapidly, you follow Lucas and Dustin to the arcade, "Okay let's just wait and see if Max is really MADMAX" you shake your head and say "wait you bringed me here to Spy on a little girl...." Dustin replied by saying "Oh , No no no no we just need you incase she has a sibling so you can distract them" you frown "anyways who is Max?" "She's the new student in our middle school she has ginger hair and has a cool skate board!" Lucas says, you then remember that same ginger hair girl with the skate board you saw getting out of billy's car and the after noon could she be related to billy? Perhaps his sister? No... no way they don't even look like each other maybe... cousins? you just shrug and say "Ugh fine i'll help you two but i swear if i'm in trouble Dustin you can say goodbye to all of your action figures and your life privileges" Dustin got a bit scared by your threat but knew you we're just joking.

Sorry to leave the story there haha my first time actually writing a story so expect my grammar to be bad and the repeat of a lot of words too...
Anyways hoped you enjoyed the story! Might do chapter 2 Tomorrow but i can't promise it since i have highschool that's gonna start for me the day after tomorrow 🧍🏼‍♂️ so uhh Bye have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!

Billy Hargrove x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now