Afterschool (short chapter)

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It's night, Y/N tutoring Billy and helping him with math cause he sucks ass at the subject, then Y/N started to zoom out not because of Billy constantly seemingly to have "other" intents, but because of what Dustin explained to him, he started to think about how Nancy's and Jonathan's little brother are involved but nor Nancy or Jonathan knows about those weird pollywog thingy(Btw Y/N doesn't know that Nancy,Jonathan and Steve had to fight a monster from another world, cause neither of them wants Y/N to get included in it because they could be spied on and stuff at any moment.)

"Hello, Earth to the queer!" Billy snaps his fingers in front of Y/N who flinchs and looks at Billy "Oh sorry i was thinking of something..." Billy clearly curious and ask "what is it about?"

"I'm sorry i can't tell you about it" Y/N rubs their neck, "is it about Steve." Billy asked in a sort of angry tone, Y/N didn't understand why Billy seems mad about Steve "Huh what do you mean Steve?" Y/N ask.

Billy sigh "I mean... isn't he... your boyfriend?" Y/N snickers urging to laugh, Billy looks at Y/N confused "why you're laughing ?".

"Billy, Steve isn't my boyfriend, he's just my friend well best friend but there's nothing going on between me and him, besides why would i want to date that himbo, he's nice and all but stupid and he's not really my type." Billy let's out a OH.

"So you just admitted to me you're gay." Billy says laughing, Y/N looks at Billy and clearly is panicking because he doesn't want Billy to shout at every roof that Y/N is gay. "Look I uh... Yeah i'am just please don't tell anyone ESPECIALLY Steve cause i'm pretty sure he will be disgusted by me and stop talking to me and you know since he's kinda like my best friend i don't really want that to happend." Y/N says,worried about Billy's answer "don't worry, but that'll just mean I'll have more reason to call you a queer and a faggot then" he laughs.

"So sense you're gay i have a question, do you find me attractive ?" Billy ask, Y/N grins at Billy "you'll have to figure it out yourself blondie mullet" Billy huffs "don't call me blondie mullet" Y/N laughs "what is it too "queery" for you Billy?" Y/N could see Billy snickering he didn't have that Macho Mischievous grin on him like at school, why though?

"You know what Y/N ? How about we get to know each other a bit more?" Billy ask,interesting in Y/N's life. "Sure i guess what do you want to know about me?"

"Hmmm what about your parents?" Billy asks, Y/N clears his throat "well let's just say my mom, she's the sweetest mom and cares about me and my little brother she makes sure ours needs are cleared, and as for my dad.... Well he..." Y/N looks down "he left one day i think i was only 12 years old and my little brother Dustin, 10 years old, don't feel mad for me, cause i hated him and he hated me because it was when i was starting to feel different from all the others boys, cause i didn't feel romantic feelings for a girl but for a guy... yes... and my dad knew when i started acting differently, he described it as acting like a sissy." Y/N avoids to look at Billy
"fuck that man really is a fucking piece of shit huh?" Billy says to cheer up Y/N who snickers.

"So umm what about your parents Billy?" Billy stopped laughing and frowns

"My father is a piece of shit, my mother she's.... well... she's not here anymore." Y/N widened "wait did your mom.... Died?" Billy looks at Y/N in the eyes, he shakes his head no "oh no no she's alive she's just not here." Y/N felt bad, maybe Billy was a piece of shit because of his parents? That's what Y/N thinks, Y/N hugs Billy who was shocked no one had hugged me except his mother, "no homo though, just think you could need some comfort" Billy smiles.

"You know Y/N, you're different from the others" Y/N tilts their head "mh? What does that mean"

"I thought you would be like all those cowards in the school, but you don't hesitate to run straight into the danger" Billy chuckles

"Well i always told myself, if i don't confront my fears i won't overcome life and the stress of being perfect for society" Y/N smiles

Then the door swing open, Billy's father walked in "what are you fags doing."

Y/N gets irritated he didn't care Billy calls him a queer or faggot but a grown ass adult no that's the limit, "sir could you please refrain calling me a faggot? I'm straight" clearly lying.

Billy's father doesn't like being talked back even if it was someone's else kid, he pushes Y/N at the wall, Billy looks at his dad shocked not knowing what to do "who gived you the right to talk back to me, faggot." 

Y/N anger rised up (fuck it, Y/N has anger issues) "you're pathetic, you only know the word faggot in your shitty mouth, fucking asshole remove your hands away or I'll snap your pathetic hands like it was nothing." Y/N sticks his tongue out

Billy watched in awe, someone was brave enough to talk back to his shitty abusive dad.

Billy's dad hits Y/N in the face and punches them in the stomach, Billy stands up he wanted to do something but couldn't  "who do you think you are, entering my house and disrespecting me."

Y/N headbutts Neil's head, making him groan in pain holding his forehead, nose bleeding "you're so dead." says Billy's dad, Billy intervenes snatching Y/N right arm, and going for the front door, Neil chasing them in the stairs, Y/N spits in Neil's face as he was about to catch them, Neil fells in the stairs screaming, a door opened "MadMax" saw what was happening and was confused seeing her Step dad in pain, and her step brother with Dustin's brother going for the front door (Dustin mentionned to Max, Y/N was his brother and described how he looked, (E/C) eyes , (H/L) (H/C) haired guy and stuff)

Billy and Y/N jumps inside Billy's car, Billy driving off, Y/N and him breathing loudly "that was fucking cool." Billy says fist bumping Y/N in the shoulder who laughs "Serves him right he's an asshole to you" Y/N says, snickering.

Billy focused on the road but also was thinking of Y/N, he's definitely is very different from all the people he met, which peaks Billy's interest, he blushes about the thought of Y/N, He shakes his head thinking "No I'm not gay..."


Hello! So I got sick again, yes i don't know how the fuck i did probably like everyone else because i think most of us got a cold at the start of fall/autumn, mostly my fault cause i was wearing a t-shirt and only a fucking thin jacket to cover my arms while it was raining like crazy (mmmm French weather 👌🏻) i wanted to talk about Y/N and stuff so as you may know if you read troughs the story i said they have anger issues and they  got it because of their father. There's also in one of the chapter where he says to Steve  to comfort him  that atleast someone loves him, and that they on the end will never find love because of who they are. I kinda wanted Y/N to feel like this because a part of gay,lesbian,trans + others feels like that feeling they won't find love because the person they're insterested in probably doesn't have the same sexuality and stuff, and Y/N also fears people knowing he was gay cause most of people who are gay + others sometime are afraid of coming out of the closet because of assholes homophobic people who always want to controls other's personal life and love life anyways! Hope you enjoyed this short chapter Good day/afternoon/night everyone <3

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