Operation MADMAX!

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Y/N Pov

Ugh I can't believe it Dustin and Lucas wants me to  spy on some little girl with them just because she's better then Dustin at the arcades maybe that's why he was complaining yesterday about someone named MADMAX that beat his high score but who is she? Though..... mmm I hope it's not the girl that could be related to Billy somehow ugh how I hate this guy with his fucking dirty blonde hair that looks like a mop to clean the floor. Wait.... Is that oh HELL NAH that's Billy's car.... Why the fuck is he here? Huh wait i see someone else next to him.... Oh... she must be "MADMAX" i glare at Dustin and Lucas to look at them and gosh why do they look excited to spy on some girl who is better at the arcades then them? "Wow are you guys stalking her? Cause you like her? That's why you two wanted me to help you?" Lucas blushed but Dustin seemed annoyed and said "NO no that's not that! We just want to know if she really is MADMAX"

"Huh? Wait is she arguing with Billy?" I heard Billy shouting about how he always have to get her and "MADMAX" shouting back but with the loud Metallica Billy was playing we couldn't hear jack shit Lucas says "they're arguing,they're arguing Oh my god" why does he even have those googles? "I see that. I don't even know why you need those, god you're stupid..." replies Dustin then max shut the passenger's door, the car speeding away as Max flip Billy off with her middle finger, ha even a kid doesn't fear this so "thought" guy she runs inside the arcade being pissed off, me,Dustin and Lucas follows her inside and see her at this one machine called Dig dug that apparently Dustin high score got beaten not gonna lie she is really good at that game i'm not even surprised someone is better then Dustin at this game honestly.... "She is Incredible" Lucas says "you're right!" Dustin replies. Both says Mad Max,"well can we go now? you solved you're little mystery and Mom wants us home now." "Ugh fine" says Dustin clearly annoyed

We head off Dustin and Lucas grabs their bikes while I follow them it's already night weirdly,Dustin tries to contact one of his friends trought his mic thing, he keeps saying Mike,Mike until I heard his friend from the other end say "Hello, is that you?!"
"Yeah it's me, Dustin. What're you doing on this channel again? I've been trying to reach you all day. We were right! Max is MADMAX!"
his friend replies saying he is busy and the intercom cuts as Dustin says but. "What do we do now?" Lucas asks Dustin
"We stick to the plan." Dustin says "woah woah what plan? I thought we we're going home!" i say a bit angry Dustin replies "We are!" and i calm down "Mike won't like this..." says Lucas
"Last time i checked, our party is not a dictator ship." Dustin says "Do you even know what a dictatorship is? Dingus" i say sarcastically Dustin literally seems pissed off from that but just shrug "Our party is a democracy" democracy? Where the fuck did my little brother learn what a democracy and dictatorship is? "And what if Max says no?" Lucas asks Dustin looks at him and laugh then says "How can Max say no to these?" then Dustin purrs who is this? Is this really my little brother? This is embarrassing Lucas is annoyed then sigh and say "I told you to stop that." i notice we're near our home Dustin too and then say "I'll see you tomorrow"
"Yeah see you tomorrow good night Y/N and Dustin" "good night Lucas" i say trying not to seem angry. Me and Dustin walk in the opposite direction Lucas, where our home was we walked up to our house I get the spare keys out of my pocket, Dustin goes off his bike, i was about to unlock the door when i heard a sort of Chirping sound or something like that, maybe it's our cat.... Dustin seemed to have also heard it and says "Mews?" we hear another chirping sound then Dustin tries to call Mews again "Mews!" But nothing... We just shrug and i unlock the door as we made our way inside our home, Mom seems to be asleep I guess no lights on... huh? Dustin runs to his room while I walk off to my room, i open the door to my room and noticed there's something weird... like a liquid on the ground.... It's black... and ew it's slimy i take the mop and clean the substance on the floor, hopping on my bed ugh i forgot i said yes to Tina's invitation to that Halloween party... and it's tomorrow night too! i get up from my bed checking my closet if anything would suit for the party i mean it's a teenager party to I expect already that there's gonna be alcohol and stuff so no white clothing for sure hmmm oh that leather jacket I never wear yeah i guess just have to watch out since it's leather any liquids could mess it up... gosh I sound like a nerd saying that meh i guess a Jean and and a black shirt with it would go fine. Wonder if Steve,Nancy and Jonathan will be there though... I mean I should definitely talk to Nancy and Steve again after Barb's disappearance i didn't say a word to Nancy nor Steve ugh why didn't I just follow barb to the pool but no instead I went home after Nancy and Barb's Arguement... maybe if I was with her she wouldn't have disappeared, plus this party kinda sucked anyways it was only me,Steve,Barb,Nancy,Tommy and Carol. Ugh i Hope she's alive it's been 1 year now she probably is dead but I can't lose hope now right? I mean... Will dissapeard and we found him so Barb could be alive.... Its also the reason why I don't go to parties now but I need to move on Barb wouldn't want to see me and Nancy like this being sad for her dissapearence.


Hey hey! The author here! I actually was watching stranger things season 2 again specifically episode 1 since I said this story will follow the canon story but with changes for now it hasn't been hard trying to implement a character into the scenes without it losing the sense of the canon scene like sometime I'm thinking how can y/n fit into the story without changing it a lot and stuff haha sadly from now on I will only update on each Friday,Saturday and Wednesday's Afternoons as highschool is starting for me tomorrow so I have to focus on my studies heh but I promise I'm gonna keep trying to update this story with every possibility I can, and I'll share infos on this book about when I'll start doing updates and stuff anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter ! Good day/afternoon/nights people!

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