Afterschool (part 2)

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(No one's pov)

Billy cleared his throat "so um... I guess we're going to your house then?", Y/N looks at Billy, scoffing as he crosses his arms and says "well duh, just don't go for my mom okay? And don't try to kill my brother AGAIN."

"Ah yeah Sorry about that." Billy says, Y/N makes a shocked expression "Oh my Billy Hargrove apologising for the first time in his life?!" Billy sighs "fuck you Y/N..." the other man just rolls his eyes and laughed

After he stopped laughing Y/N says "Anyways focus on the road Billy!"

"Okay okay damn!" Billy yells back in a annoyed tone cause of Y/N's teasing him

Both of the teens stops talking as the ride back to Y/N's house was calm and chill, it was already late night and it was very dark outside the car as Y/N watches trough the window the moon high in the sky as they pass trees, and houses, Billy makes a turn to Y/N's house as he parks in the driveway like an idiot, Y/N huffs as the car makes a brute stop

"Hey just to make sure did you really got your driver's license?" Y/N looks at Billy with his brows furrowed, Billy laughs "yes i did" Y/N rolls his eyes in response "mhm... sureee..." Billy pretends he didn't hear the other man as he opens his car door as Y/N also opens his, the both of them getting out of his car as Billy whistles, Y/N holds his keys out dangling them in the air as he notices his mother is still not home but Dusting was as the kid's bike rest on the ground.

Y/N starts unlocking the door, Billy standing behind him and looking around while he unlocks the door, the both of them heard rustling inside the house Billy and Y/N looking at each other a bit confused what was happening inside as the door is unlocked and Y/N quickly opens the door as it swings opens, Y/N and Billy widens their eyes in surprise as they both look at Dustin carrying cleaning tools

"H-hey Big bro and umm... Billy haha... this is awkward...." Dustin said in a stressed tone

"Dustin...." Y/N says as he crosses his arms and
looks at his little brother "why the hell are you cleaning at this hour?!" he says as he looks around at what Dustin was cleaning some sort of stains "and where the hell is Mews? Normally when she'd get home she would always come to me." Y/N says as he looks a Dustin in suspicious gaze

Dustin looks back at his brother in a nervous expression "i'll explain it later when umm... Billy isn't here" Y/N turns to look at Billy forgetting that the man was also there "ugh." Y/N scoff "fine." He says, whatever Dusting wanted to tell him it must be in link about what he revealed to him not a long ago.

"Come on Billy let's go to my room and let my brother do his... things" Y/N walks in the hallway as Billy follows the other man very confused of what the hell had happened "Okay Queer i think i should know what the hell was that" Billy says in a serious tone as Y/N sighs at Billy's words and looks at the floor "right now it's not time Billy plus i have to literally tutor you math remember."
he stops for a second to think "and it's nothing too serious probably Dustin heard us arriving and he might have been startled or something and dropped on the floor something..." Y/N tries to think, and there was still not signs of their cat Mews he didn't want to believe something happened as he opens his door to his room.

The night goes on as Y/N tutors Math to Billy who doesn't seem rather excited or even interested about it (who wouldn't honestly) after hours of Y/N explaining to Billy complex calculations, Billy finally"started" to mesmerize it a bit atleast that's that the teens realised that it was getting very late it was like midnight right now or something, so you both decided to stop for today as Billy prepares himself and you both head to the front door.

Y/N sighs "well we're getting there atleast" Billy laughes "yeah... So i guess i should really go huh?" Y/N nods "yep good luck with your dad dude" he helds out his fist to Billy and the other man fistbump him "Goodnight Queer" Y/N scoff and roll his eyes "really mature. Anyways goodnight to you too" Billy snickers as Y/N close ss the door shut as he goes to his bedroom falling in his bed and sigh just before hearing a loud honking noise and the sped up of a car, Y/N scurries to his window and look out as he sees Billy grinning, Y/N wasn't having none of it and yells "FUCK YOU" as he shows his middle finger to Billy who just laughs and speeds away

Y/N sighs "Little fucker." he scoffs now he can finally get some sleep. as he lays in his bed again and put his blanket over himself driving off to sleep.


Well that was a long part 2 for the last short chapter and i know i've made y'all wait for like what? A year...? I deeply apologize for the long wait lots of stuff we're happening but i'm getting back on my feet, i might focused on other stuff too i have loads of ocs for different stories that are just sitting in my drafts or are just a mere drawing of their story, by the way i hope to those who celebrated Christmas that they had a great Christmas (late Merry Christmas btw) and i hope that everyone had a good 2023 year (and also late happy new year btw) and i hope that 2024 will be a good year for you all along me, giving you guys lots of kisses and to those whose holidays just ended like mine good luck to y'all we're all in the same shit 💀 anyways good day/afternoon/night wherever you are and bye bye

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