The End of the Year

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Dustin and I stormed downstairs into Mike's basement after hearing Lucas through his walkie talkie. He slammed open the bathroom door where Mike and El were. "Guys! It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble." He said, going to Mike's walkie talkie. "Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" He added. Mike and El both nodded. "What if he found it?" He grabbed he walkie talkie and turned it on. Lucas was shouting indistinctly on the radio. "What's he saying?" Mike asked, holding it up near his face. Dustin shrugged. "He's way out of range." I replied. Mike sighed and pressed the button. "Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you."
L: "Yes, I copy! Do you? They know about Eleven! Get out of there! They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me? The bad men are coming!" He shouted.
"'Mad hen.' Does that mean anything to you?" Dustin questioned, confused. "Like a code name or something?" He added. I rolled my eyes, "He's saying bad men." Mike panicked and put the walkie talkie down. "Stay here." He ran upstairs, Dustin followed behind.

We ran out the basement door. They all hopped onto the bikes and I got on my skateboard. We looked to the right and saw vans saying, 'Hawkins - Power and Light' and men in repair suits and a man in a suit (quite old) were heading towards. El and the old man stared at each other for a bit before we rode off. "Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dustin repeated. They hopped back in their vans and started to chase us. "A skateboard is NOT good for this!" I screamed. Lucas and Dustin started to communicate through the walkie talkie. We turned the corner and headed towards Elm and Cherry. The vans were catching up to us but we didn't slow down, we took a shortcut through a park, meeting up with Lucas. "Where are they?" He asked. "Think we lost 'em." Dustin replied, breathing heavily. I turned around and saw the vans turning the corner. "Shit! GO!" I yelled. A van was heading our way from the front. Dustin was yelling which wasn't helpful. The van flew over our heads and I gasped in shock. "Awesome..." I whispered, loud enough for them to hear. I turned around as it landed, luckily it stopped the other vans.

We got to the junkyard and I got off my skateboard, running to catch up with the others (it wasn't good for grass). "Did you see what she did to that van?" Dustin exclaimed, excited. "No, we missed it." Mike replied, sarcastically. Dustin had a large smile on his face. "It was awesome." Lucas exhaled. "You have superpowers!!!" I exclaimed. Lucas bent down next to El who was sat on the floor. "Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong. I'm sorry." He put his hand on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile. "Friends... Friends don't lie. I'm sorry too." She replied quietly. "Me too." Mike inputted. Mike this isn't your time to shine! They were bonding... They looked at him. He held his hand out to Lucas. He took it without hesitation and they shook. "I think I deserve an apology too because Michael wasn't very nice to me. Yeah, I don't have friends but I get to hang out with my little brother!" I said, pulling a sad face and hugging Dustin. He tried to escape the hug. "Stop!!!" He yelled, embarrassed. We all laughed until we realised we're on the run right now.

We sat around 3 pieces of wood which was meant to be a diagram but I didn't understand it. Lucas made a line in the dirt with a stick. "This is Randolph Road, right here. The fence starts here, and goes all the way around." He put the stick down and placed a can in the middle. "And this is the lab right here. The gate's gotta be in there somewhere. It's gotta be." He insisted. "Well, who owns Hawkins Lab?" Dustin asked. I shrugged. "Probably that creepy old guy El had a staring contest with." I stated. Lucas shook his head. "The sign says 'Department of Energy'." He stood up, as did the rest of us. "Department of Energy? What do you think that means?" Dustin asked. "It means government. Military." Mike replied.
D: "Then why does it say 'Energy'?"
M: "Just trust me, all right? It's military. My dad's told me before."
L: "Mike's right. There's soldiers out front."
D: "Do they make, like, lightbulbs or something?"
M: "No, weapons... to fight the Russians, and commies and stuff."
L: "Weapons."
We all looked at one each other, panicking.
D: "Oh, Jesus, this is bad."
L: "Really bad. The place is like a fortress."
D: "Well, what do we do?"
M: "I don't know, but we can't go home. We're fugitives now."
We heard a helicopter and looked above us, it was nowhere to be seen. As the noise got louder, the helicopter got closer. "Shit!" I yelled, grabbing my skateboard. I shoved it under a bus and the others copied with their bikes. We ran inside the bus and hid behind a few chairs. "Mental." Dustin gasped, out of breath. What did I get myself into? I thought as I looked around at the others who were scared.

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