TVTTH, platonic

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anon: Hello! I hope you had an amazing day. Can I request a yandere platonic aria roscente from the villainess reverses the hourglass and the other characters? The reader is aria's sister and their mom brought the two of them to the roscente estate etc
a/n: i misread this, sorry! i hope you can accept p!yan!tvrth characters in stead.

(reader will act more like her bio dad and look more like her mom bc if aria has his looks, then you'll definitely have his personality and your moms looks)

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(reader will act more like her bio dad and look more like her mom bc if aria has his looks, then you'll definitely have his personality and your moms looks)

-Who would've known that a prostitute and her children would be this fortunate and lucky? I mean, marrying a count? That's practically winning the lottery!

-When your mother brought you and your younger twin sister to the county, you were anxious. Becoming a counts daughter is nice, yes, but what if your new family didn't like you? Do they even like commoners?

-Surprisingly enough, your step-siblings treated you warmly! unlike your twin sister

-As the second oldest child and eldest daughter, you decided to take the mandatory lessons from lower ranking nobles, which your family first tried arguing with you about it, but you quickly and indirectly shut them down, saying that sharing the same tutors with your younger sister, mielle, would be confusing and embarrassing, as she knew more than you. But in the future, you unknowingly made ties with families that would blow up in society from marrying off their children

-when the engagement between Mielle and Oscar Frederick from the Frederick duchy came to light and everyone was informed of it, you were overjoyed so much, that you embroidered her a silk handkerchief and gloves so that she could gift it to her fiance

-Carin knew that it would be better to marry the count for herself and her children, she knew that you would thrive if you recieved proper education, so, when she learned of any rumor about you wanting to learn something, be it business, economics, finance or even cooking and sewing, she would hire a tutor for you before you even cleared up the rumors, but you never defied your mother, as she was the one that brought you and your little sister into a luxurious life and you believed that you should just take the classes like the good daughter you are

-Although Count Roscente only married Carin for her beauty and planned to marry off Aria and didn't see her as his daughter, the count saw you as one, he even didn't have plans marrying you off to some noble, just wanting you to stay by your step-father's side, and in turn, he would whole heartedly support you, even if he didn't personally agree with it

-Aria wasn't happy with you wasting your time studying and working hard, but was still somewhat grateful, as you'd attract less men that would want to date you

-Mielle was attached from the start, you're so nice and patient with her! You even made her sweets before her lessons! You act and look like nothing that of a commoner, so how did you come from such vulgar blood?

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