chapter two

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Hanks House - 11pm

Hank sat on his small couch, the late night news playing quietly. It'd been such a long week and he just wanted to drink his woes away. These deviant cases were taking their toll on his health and they were seemingly affecting Connor too. Both times at the Eden club he'd been.. Off. Connor was so adamant on completing his mission and so he often refused to recognise when things were going wrong.

This worried hank.

Of course, Connor was a machine; That's what he'd say to Hank at least. Connor would dismiss all of Hank's concerns and remind him that he's done a system check and everything was fine. Connor was a machine and there was nothing to worry about.

But Hank was still worried.

He groaned and stood up, shutting off the TV and heading towards his kitchen. He needed another drink. Maybe it was the alcohol but Hank was starting to realise something was genuinely wrong with connor. He was cyberlifes most advanced model with the best coding they had ever come up with. There's no way anything should be wrong with him. Surely cyberlife wouldn't have coded emotions into their android?


Connor had been feeling emotions. He thought back to all the times Connor had felt things: at the Eden club when he looked uncomfortable with the body, whenever Gavin said something snarky which pissed Connor off, hell, even when they first met Connor seemed genuinely excited. Hank laughed softly to himself. "No fuckin' way" he mumbled and took another swig of his drink, "kids a fucking deviant."

DPD Central Station - 9 am

Hank sat at his desk, actually doing his work for once. Fowler had been constantly micro-managing and pressuring him to solve these deviancy cases. The quicker Hank was done with deviants, the quicker he could be put back onto homicides and working with his favourite co-workers again. Speaking of co-workers, Connor came and sat at his desk. He looked visibly tense and worried.

"Morning lieutenant," His voice was quiet and awkward, like he had never spoken before. "I managed to look at the deviant file from the other night, would you like me to share my findings?" Hank looked at him and smiled, who did this kid think he was fooling? Connors movements were slightly too stiff and his voice was just a bit robotic. So he was a deviant, and connor had realised this too.


"yeah , yeah" hank said softly, "send me the files."

. . . . . ◟੭

Hank stood up and stretched his arms. He'd been going over all of the deviant files with connor and he needed a break. He could do with some food, a burger maybe. Hank looked across at his desk at the android opposite him,. The android whose body was just a bit too stiff, his posture just a bit too perfect. The android whose eyes were a bit scared. A bit sad. The android who felt.

Hank was fascinated by connor. He always had been but even more so now that he was clearly alive. Him and connor finally had a connection - they trusted each other and were friends. Hank cared for him and he wanted to show him that. He coughed and spoke quietly, "connor?" The android looked up, nervous. "Connor, I'm going for lunch. Come with me?"

Connor said nothing. He simply stood up and gestured for hank to lead the way. 

. . . . . ◟੭

A/N: woow hank is so smart :00 the writing in this chapter is AWFUL im so sorry, writing from hanks perspective is kinda hard. This chapter is also wayyy shorter than the last one, but i didn't want to switch perspectives halfway through. The next chapter is going to be from Connor's pov and I'm gonna aim to make it 1k-2k words. I'm really enjoying writing this fic though !!

please remember to vote if you enjoyed reading !! 

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