Chapter 15

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Logan had the triangle of wood and skins attached to his shoulders as he padded through the woods as a wolf. Hialeah was next to him with another loaded travois, her fur looking gorgeous. It was a pleasant distraction from the anxiety that was running through his system.

They were about to trespass onto another pack's territory. He knew. He'd fled from it a few weeks ago when he bumped into Hialeah. Their sentries were alert, with good noses. There was no chance that an entire pack of wolves going through their territory would cause anything less than a full-scale war.

Hialeah was radiating calm confidence as she trotted along next to him. The entire pack was traveling as wolves. It was faster and easier. Occasionally, one would shift to human to adjust a travois for another, or two would swap roles dragging the primitive sleds.

The pack was larger than he'd first thought. He was used to seeing eighty to a hundred wolves in the clearing at a time, but now he knew there were nearly double that many. It was still small compared to the typical four hundred or more of most werewolf packs.

Logan tensed as they stepped into what he knew to be the other pack's territory. He waited for the pressure of the pack to invade his awareness. It never came. Soon he was trotting through familiar terrain, yet he still didn't feel the warning that he was about to be rightfully imprisoned or killed. There was nothing, just the feel of his new pack around him as they proceeded forward on their quest north.

As sun set, some of their own wolves raised an alarm, howling on the other side from where the werewolf pack was established. Gawonii shifted to human, silently indicating all travois should be removed. Once the gear was down, he was back in wolf form, leading the pack to where the alarm had been raised.

Logan and Hialeah arrived to see a group of five scouts surrounded by the growing number of lycans. The scouts were brandishing silver blades, but also looked ready to piss themselves. The scent of their fear rolled off them in waves.

At last, Gawonii shifted to human form and approached them. Their eyes bugged out at the sight of the massive, naked man. "What are you doing in my pack's territory?" Gawonii challenged them.

The scout leader, slightly less terrified than the rest, responded. "We were patrolling our border. How is it that we're no longer in our own territory?"

Gawonii narrowed his eyes. "You know the time of year. You know what happens."

The werewolves moved edgily. Logan appraised them and realized most of them must be new to patrols. Their leader couldn't have been patrolling for more than a few years. What's with this? And why do they look so scared? What am I missing? Perhaps all packs have the same tales about the lycans?

Several other lycans shifted. For the first time, he could compare the lycans to other werewolves. Logan was above average height and weight, but the lycans... Dang, I always felt smaller than them, but now I'm realizing they're larger than almost all werewolves. How did I miss this?

The head scout sniffed the air, suddenly. His eyes narrowed in on Logan. "Why do you harbor a rogue?"

"We harbor nothing. He is pack," Gawonii replied. As the scouts shifted their attention back to Gawonii, the leader's grip on the knife tightened. The smell of anger was now combined with his fear.

"Rogues die."

It was Hialeah's vicious growl that got the scout's attention. Her sudden rage struck Logan, shocking him. She smoothly shifted to her human form, getting appreciative looks from the young scouts.

"Threaten my mate again, and I'll kill you myself."

"I'd like to see you try, bitch."

Gawonii smiled. "Your challenge to combat is accepted. Everyone, let's get the combatants ready."

Wait, what?

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