At the Beginning

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Y/n p.o.v

It's been days or years since the kraang invasion and I asked myself how did it ever happen? Why are we here? How can we defeat the kraang I see my daughter and my husband the love of my life and my future son in law fighting against those beast but where am I?

Third p.o.v

You were injured and Leo was also injured, you guys have to retreat the resistance are down Leo's brother Donnie and Raph sadly died and April she died fighting from the kraang with big mama as for Mikey he is till alive.

Leo was holding an old photo of his family and friends you and April

Leo was holding an old photo of his family and friends you and April

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(Imagine your in the photo)

Casey was holding his master while they are running your daughter hold on to you and start running with them but you and Leo were panting, you stop and then you collapse on the ground your daughter looked at you in shocked.

D/n: MOM!

Your daughter scream you lay on a rock behind you but you called her.

Y/n: d/n.... (Inhaling) my Angelita mi reina (inhale) I don't think.... I'm gonna make it.....

Your daughter was crying of sadness seeing her mother dying saddens her because she loved you and you love your daughter and your husband and the thing is you were having Leo's second child is a boy your daughter said this.

D/n: M-mom mamita please don't say that you are gonna make it p-please don't go not yet...

You sigh and respond her.

Y/n: I have too mi Nina.... I'll be right here with you *you were touching your daughter's heart* and (exhales) I have someone you want to meet..

You hold your baby boy named Leonardo after his father..

(What he looks like)

 You saw your daughter,she was in shock because now she has a little brother to protect on

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You saw your daughter,she was in shock because now she has a little brother to protect on

D/n: mom he is so cute.

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