Blame the kid from the future/Finding D/n/ Mission #3

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In The future

🟦Future Leo: Hey my エンジェル, wanna I have a present for you

Little D/n: What is it daddy?

🟦Future Leo: You have to close your eyes first.

Little d/n giggles why closing her eyes with her little 5 yr old hands.

🟦Future Leo: Open them now!

Little open her eyes.

Little D/n: Daddy it's beautiful

🟦Future Leo:I'm glad you love it Mija

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🟦Future Leo:I'm glad you love it Mija.

Future Y/n: It sure is, and that's why I have my own.

Little D/n: You have one too mommy?

Future Y/n: Yes, sweetie daddy gave one to me in our wedding anniversary right Guapo.

Future Leo flushes

🟦Future Leo: Y-yeah, honey

At night!

Little D/n screams.

Little D/n: AHHHHH!

Future Leo comes in..

🟦Future Leo: エンジェル, is everything ok , are you alright.

Little D/n cries.

Little D/n: D-daddy, I have a dream a horrible dream.

🟦Future Leo: A nightmare my princess?

Little D/n: I was 10 years older and I saved past you from the kraang and I-I.

🟦Future Leo:shhhh, it's okay my angel no one is going to harm you nor I will die along with your mother, I promise you and your mother that I'll protect you with all my heart.

Little D/n: but my dream is so real!

🟦Future Leo:Well if you ever need my side and your mothers this hair pin will protect you......

No matter what エンジェル and I promise you I'll keep you safe from harms way

In the Present

You guys remember when the team retreated and the only one who didn't escape was d/n because she sacrificed herself to save Leo well if y'all asking where's y/n and baby Leo well here we go..

Y/n: Oh hi baby, mommy loves you.

Y/n was sitting beside on a baby crib and where baby Leo sleeps in heavenly peace.

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