The Turtles training/ A fail mission/ the argument

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Previously in rottmnt movie

The future you died with a surprise twist that you have Leo's second child name Leo after your husband of course

Mikey dies or should I say dust away from opening the portal

Leo died from the laser shot

Now Casey and D/n with her baby brother in New York in the past what is today year 2022 to stop the kraang but they need to find their master and his family and his love/ d/n mother.

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Third p.o.v

Leo was "training" but in reality he is doing a pizza stack record with Donnie and Mikey. While that is going down. You might well ask where are you and raph what are you two doing well let y/n tell you.

Y/n p.o.v

I was waiting on Donnie, Mikey and Leo....

Wait Leo, why was leo always in my head
I always blush when I'm around Leo, when I'm sad he always been there for me in my worst and my best, Leo and I we've been friends since forever ever since April and I were kids and she introduced me to the turtles I was happy I found some friends along the way especially Leonardo he and I were always close since kids and now he becomes flirty around me and been the friendly turtle I know but thinking about him just made my heart flutter.

Third p.o.v

Raph looked at you see how you turn red but he figured out that you had a crush on Leo.

🟥Raphael: y/n are you ok

Y/n: Huh! Oh yeah I'm ok hehe

Raph responded back by saying.

🟥Raphael: I know you like my brother leo.

You were in shock

Y/n:h-how do you know that?

🟥Raphael: I know everything, y/n and Leo likes you too he would talk about all the time.

You were surprised after many years being friends with Leo you didn't know he talk about you when your not present.

🟥Raphael: let's go y/n let's Find the others.

Back with Leo and his crew

🟦Leo: Easy does it, Leo.

Looking at another direction and balancing himself.

"You've got this. Concentrate. The whole world is counting on you... to break the pizza stack record!"

Leo said say it his head if fillies with pizza boxes and a pigeon who eating pizza out of nowhere?

🟦Leo: 125 boxes! They say it couldn't be done but look who's doing it, moi. That's Spanish for a Leo.

Donnie appears out of nowhere with his flying tech.

🟪Donnie: Go ahead, my non- lingual friend , count your unhatched fowl. My record stands until your reach the top, which, my calculations of wind speed, barometric pressure, and dew point, is highly unlikely. What?

The Mikey appears and he interrupted Donnie by saying.

🟧Mikey: According to my calculations, as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything!

They say these words while Leo is doing his thing and beat the record or this case Donnie's record.

🟦Leo: thanks, little brother. No one believes in himself more than me.

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