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Y/n - Your name

L/n - Last name

M/n - Middle name

Age - 15 (like Leo in the show of rottmnt he is 14 and you were 13 but in the film Leo is 16 so Leo is one year older than you time gap)

But in the future we don't know Leo's future age since he looks in his 20's I can predict he is 24 years old so the future you will be 23 years old.

E/c - Eye color

H/c - Hair color

F/c - Favorite color

N/n - Nickname

For Casey your nick name is Lady Y/n since your the wife of Leo and Master Leo and Lady y/n it rings well right?

Your hair size short/medium/large

Your daughter

D/n - Daughter Name

D/m/n - Daughter middle name

D/l/n - It will be Hamato

You ask why is that Hamato I mean if you think about Leo and his brothers last name are Hamato in the future you and Leo are married before The kraang took over so your name will be y/n m/n Hamato l/n.

So your daughter will be D/n D/m/n Hamato

And her age is 15

Her eye color is black like her father

Hair color like yours

Skin Color like yours

Casey age is 16 so yeah a age year gap

D/n and Casey are best friends and they have a secret crush on each other you and Leo from the future and his brothers with Cassandra with commander April O'Neil and splinter want these two together and the past y'all are going to do so

This is how y'all look like :

This is how y'all look like :

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And Your daughter will be like :

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And Your daughter will be like :

That's all for today and hope I'll see y'all in the next chapter

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That's all for today and hope I'll see y'all in the next chapter

The Rottmnt Leo x reader movieWhere stories live. Discover now