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Hello. I'm not sure who will read this but I thought I'd do it anyways.

I was writing this piece back in 2017, when I was in an unhealthy part of my life. I used music to escape and Twenty-One Pilots was something I got into fandom-wise in an attempt to distract myself from it. A lot has happened since then.

I know most people might not care, but that's okay. It was a phase I grew out of, and I'll admit that I wouldn't do the same thing today of romanticizing real people.

Nevertheless, I know plenty of people enjoyed this story. 9.66k worth of you, holy shit? That is amazing and not something I ever imagined. Thank you for that.

I happened to re-download this app by suggestion of a cousin of mine who is currently writing on it, and the nostalgia of this fic got to me a little.

I may not...find it as comfortable as I once did. These characters were based on real people, but I'd like to stress (and I'm sure you can tell just reading it) that the way any of them are portrayed is simply OOC and that's a good thing. We write fics like this because we love the idea of people, and we love to romanticize and idealize them into narratives we find interesting. Celebrities to us are very distant from our reality, and sometimes we create a version of them for entertainment value. Obviously I don't think (or wish) Josh Dun is a vampire, or that Tyler Joseph is a twink (lol.) It just worked for the story I wanted to write at the time.

It's important that I make that distinction clear in the case that I decide to write a cohesive ending for this piece. I'd like to give you all that, as I know personally how frustrating it can be to leave a good story unfinished. :) If you'd still like to read it knowing these things, I'd be happy to write it.

In any case, I thank you again for your kind words of encouragement and funny comments. They meant a lot to me, then and now. I hope you have all been okay these past few years.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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