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The mirror.

Tyler stopped what he was doing, almost dropping the plate he'd been setting in the sink.

The dream. He'd remembered it.

Or, most of it. Something about a room with a mirror for a floor, and Jenna mumbling about how Tyler couldn't see.

Setting down the plate slowly, he frowned, confused over that part.

He'd been able to see just fine, but he was getting the feeling she wasn't talking about his eyesight. Maybe something more abstract.

"Tyler, you okay?"

He glanced over his shoulder at Sarah, who was cleaning up the remnants of breakfast and giving him a strange look. He nodded, turning back to the sink and tapping his fingers along the rim, quirking his mouth in thought.

He knew there was more to the dream, but it was still foggy for him. All he was getting was a blur of silver and pink, which made him think of Josh. Had Josh been in it?

He tilted his head, gaze shifting towards the direction of the bathroom, where he knew Josh was currently showering. Tyler had insisted he go first, even though he'd been in desperate need of one himself. He'd just wanted Josh to have some space for a little bit, because it was obvious by now that he was someone who needed it at times.

I'm such a good person.

Rolling his eyes at himself, he pushed off the sink and strode towards the bathroom, intent on finding out how much longer he'd have to wait. Because seriously, it'd been almost an hour by now.

Yet just as he raised his hand to knock, a stray thought stopped him.

His fist was poised, but he withdrew it slowly. Something about this dream was bothering him, and he was wondering again if Josh really had been in it. If so, why?

What did mirrors, not being able to see, a random Jenna on a lounge, and Josh even have in common?

Dimly, he realized that no shower was running, and that seemed to snap him out of it. Had Josh not even been using it this whole time, knowing that Tyler was still feeling icky after the whole food war?

He would have done it last night, but he'd been trashed. He was never very good with alcohol.

Fuming, he grabbed the handle and twisted, shouldering open the door with a scowl.

Only to find Josh with a toothbrush in his mouth, desperately grabbing a towel to cover himself as he stared at Tyler in surprise.

"Jeez," he mumbled, foam at the corners of his lips. "Ever heard of knocking?"

Tyler could feel his face climbing with heat, and didn't reply. He didn't think he could move. He'd almost seen-

Josh studied him, frowning slightly as he carefully maneuvered the towel to wrap around his hips and raised a brow. "Well don't just stand there. I was almost done anyways." And he turned back to the sink, brushing his teeth with vigor and not looking at Tyler.

He stood there for another moment before stepping into the bathroom, slowly closing the door behind him as his gaze shifted to the mirror that Josh was currently facing.

From this angle, he couldn't see Josh's reflection, so he sidestepped, craning his neck to do so.

Josh simply looked back at him in it, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing his mouth, crinkling his brows and confusion written all over his face.

"Tyler, what are you doing?"

Almost disappointed, he crossed his arms and frowned, studying Josh's face in the mirror in puzzlement. He'd been hoping for some sort of clue about what his dream had been trying to tell him, but nothing about it made sense. There was no connection between the pink-haired man and mirrors.

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