twenty five

396 8 31

Tyler was in that weird state between being awake and sleeping.

It was like the twilight zone of perceptual awareness; not really conscious but not quite unconscious either.

Dozing, you could say.

His brain wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, warm and cozy, not prompted to do anything. The kind of thing you only get to enjoy on those rare days where you truly have no obligations or reason to get out of bed, and your mind relaxes enough to slip between.

Or when you're just in a good state of mind, whether through circumstance or present events, whatever the cause may be. A happy brain.

No worries, no fears. Just peace.

He'd never reached that.

Vaguely, he felt a soft press of something brush his cheek, there one moment and gone the next. It made an involuntary smile cross his face, warmth tingling through him at the contact.

That was nice.

Then the warmth that had been snug against his side shifted, and wasn't there anymore. It merely made him sigh, the soft air not daring to disturb him as heat fitted over him once that presence was gone. Different, but not in a bad way.

That was nice.

Nice, nice, nice. Everything was nice.

He just felt cozy. Like something was hugging him all over, but on the inside.

His heart, perhaps. If he had to target it.

That was nice, too.


He stretched his arms over his head, feeling the pull of his muscles and nearly purring at the sensation.

He'd slept amazing. Which was unusual.

Not that he was complaining.

There'd been no dreams, just pure rest.

Smiling, he rubbed at his eyes and blinked them open to glance around the room, already knowing that Josh wasn't there. But he wasn't worried.

The sheet remained over the window, and the lava lamp still glowed, so he sat up and leaned over to switch it off. The room quickly faded into a soft darkness with the faintest amount of light through the cloth covering, fit for a rainy day.

He glanced at the bedside table, where a glass of water and aspirin lay, along with a note.

Ignoring the other two, he picked up the folded paper and flipped it open, reading silently.

Hey, I didn't want to wake you. Looked too peaceful, so I left you alone. But I've just gone to pick up some food, so I'll be back later. Water and meds for hangover.

p.s. don't get sick in my bed. I need it.


He snorted lightly, tossing the note back onto the surface and sighing. Josh.

He'd been looking at his feet, only one of which happened to be wearing a sock, but his eyes drifted back to the side table after a moment.

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