twenty six

402 8 47

Tyler lazily toyed with Josh's curls, the pink-haired man's head resting on his belly, his arms locked securely around the smaller ones' waist.

Probably sounds like an uncomfortable position, given that they were lying in bed and that angled his back in a way that wasn't so natural, but Tyler didn't care.

He felt...good.

A smile slipped across his lips when Josh mumbled in his sleep, his arms tightening briefly until Tyler ran his knuckles gently down his cheek, relaxing.

He sighed and tilted his head back to study the ceiling, bringing one leg up to hook over Josh's back, pressing them even closer together.

Exactly what he wanted.

A phone buzzed, making him lift his head to find it, before determining it was Josh's and losing interest. He even laid his head back down, but the device refused to give up.

Not wanting it to wake Josh, who already looked disgruntled at the persistent vibrations scattering through the mattress, he swiped for it and clicked the lock button with a slight scowl, silencing it.

Then he glanced at the screen, mostly to see who it was that was so determined to reach his- Josh, and the phone buzzed with a text.

theo 💀: ignore my call again, ill kick ur ass

theo 💀: found b. she was at her old spot. wen ur dun (ha) gettin laid help me get her. actin weird.


He didn't even know she'd been missing. Had she gone out after the party last night?

Tossing the phone aside, he tried to sit up, disrupting Josh who groaned sleepily, burying his face into Tyler's bare stomach.

"Josh, we need to get up."

"You need to get up," came the muffled reply, and he shivered a little at the warmth the words caused against his skin. He braced himself on his elbows behind him and bent his knees up on either side of Josh.

"I'm serious," he stressed, frowning down at the man still refusing to move. "Theo just texted saying he found Bianca."

"That's nice."


"What?" irritated, Josh sent him a glance, pouting slightly. "He found her, which means she's safe. Not much I can do in that situation."

"Well, he asked for your help," Tyler mumbled, gaze drifting to the floor. He cheeks felt a little warm, as he was slowly realizing the both of them were still naked from earlier.

"Well, he can wait a little longer. I don't want to move yet." With that, Josh once again dropped his face onto Tyler's belly, nosing slightly into the soft skin and making the smaller one draw in a breath.

His face burned as he realized his dick was starting to become interested in the contact, and he desperately willed it to stay calm.

No such luck.

Josh grinned against his stomach, glancing up at him as Tyler looked away, shaking his head at himself.

What am I, fourteen?

"I could be persuaded to move," Josh purred, and Tyler sent him a dark look. "What? You're the one-"

"I'm aware of it." he snapped, making Josh rear back in pretend shock, eyes widening comically. "But we were discussing Bianca. I was just..."

Tyler trailed off, unsure of what he was going to even say next. Not that it mattered, because Josh didn't seem to take his words to heart. No, he was pressing soft kisses into the smaller boy's belly.

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