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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of the almost-rape and depressing thoughts. read carefully, i love you all. pls enjoy and stay alive.


No, Josh hadn't known that he would find Tyler being practically raped in an alleyway.

Not exactly how he'd imagined meeting him for the first time, either. He'd been picturing something along the lines of a smooth pick-up, all suave technique and careful seduction.

Not that Josh was any of those things. But a man could dream.

Actually, the reason he'd been there at all is because of Allison.

*le flashback*

Rummaging through his dresser after a shower, Josh muttered something to himself about laundry being the bane of his existence, eventually giving up and leaning back against the thing. He sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face and then stopping to look at his fingers, which were now stained pink. Courtesy of re-dyeing his hair and obviously not knowing what the hell he was doing.

Just as he was contemplating life with gloves, his door burst open and he blinked in surprise at a very frenzied Allison, who looked around before spotting him.

"Josh, I came here to tell you..." she trailed off, her porcelain skin flushing to a deep rose as she registered his state of attire, which didn't consist of much except a towel around his waist.

A few seconds ticked by and Josh just spent them willing himself not to laugh at the poor girl.

Averting her gaze to his ceiling, she stammered out "I came here to t-tell you that I remembered something..s-something.." she mumbled off again, wringing her hands and turning even more red to the point that he took pity and grabbed the nearest top, which happened to be a hoodie.

Slipping it on, he spread his hands as if to ask better? and she nodded, still not meeting his eyes. He just chuckled and sat on the edge of his bed, shaking out his newly pinkened wet hair.

"Something..?" he prompted, and she jolted, her green gaze snapping to his again.

"The other night, when we were at the bar. When I was looking at you I saw...something." She tilted her head, eyes going distant. "Someone, actually."

Josh merely waited, and she continued after a moment of gathering the memory. "I don't know who, but I...I know you have somewhere to be." She blinked, looking at him again and practically pinning him in place with her gaze. "I've just got a bad feeling."

He frowned, shifting to stand but she just grasped the door, pulling it closed with "Go back to the bar! You'll find them!"

For a moment he just sat in silence, confused and debating what could possibly be happening at the bar at this hour. But he shrugged that off and stood, striding back to his dresser to look for pants when the door opened again and Allison tossed something onto his bed.

"Sorry," she kept her eyes closed tight, and he wanted to laugh again. "But you'll need that. You should hurry."

And then she was gone again.

Finding a clean pair- he studied a slight stain on the knee, determined it unnoticeable- make that cleanish pair of black jeans, tossing the towel and struggling into them commando, Josh sat down on his bed to pull on socks and his boots as he glanced back to see what it was that Allison had tossed there.

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