1. Do I Think Dick Ridge Is Hot?

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New Story Alert! Woot-woot, lol! Enjoy 💗

I've always known I was the weak link, it's kind of hard not to notice. For starters, my dad's a legacy business owner, CEO, beast. My mom's a self made boss ass woman who could decimate literally anyone without swearing out her Bob. Then there's my siblings, I don't even need to explain but I will cause it's just one of those days.

My older sister Izzy is a super model, traveling the world to wear designer down the runway like her body was hand sculpted to do ever since she was sixteen. Impressive? Get a load of this, my older brother Tommy is a Broadway phenom who now leads a tv show named after him. It's literally called Tommy and it's hilarious.

One cool thing about me is I'm a triplet, but that's where the fun ends. Both my twin brothers are doing life better than me. Danny got drafted into the NFL straight out of college and is making waves as a tight end. My other brother Lexi is climbing the corporate ladder like it's his damn job, following in the wide strides of our parents.

Then there's me, a mediocre socialite at the beck and call of my cousin and fiancé because I never hear about or even plan the events and trips, I just tag along. And no, I'm not trying to woah is me you guys to death, I get it, I've got money and could literally do anything with my life.

But what happens when there's too many options and none of them seem to fit? I've been in a bubble my entire life, galas and vacations is kind of all I know. I just often feel like I have nothing to offer and now I'm twenty-six (about to be twenty-seven) and I've got nothing to offer the world.

Not that I have time, between all the events my fiancé is required to be at and all the parties my cousin drags me to, my schedule is booked.

"Are you sure you have to be there? They never talk to you."

I sighed, brushing out my eyebrows, mouth slightly open as Cozy continued trying to convince me to ditch Dean next weekend and go to Croatia with her. "Yes, but they will start talking about me if I don't show. He's trying to make partner and he can't have any scandals, however false, swirling around."

Cozy made a noise in the back of her throat, clearly displeased with what I expressed. "Babe, your twenty-six, not a house wife. Live a little."

I kissed my teeth, sitting up and checking that my brows matched before grabbing my foundation. "Was I not just with you in Tokyo two days ago?" I asked, asking because I knew we were, even though the trip was only a day and a half and I was sober for a fourth of the time.

Cozy giggled, "Fine. Whatever. Enjoy the snooze fest."

I sighed, sitting back in my seat because I knew I would. The events, while boring and typical, are something I've been attending since I was like six. Whenever mom or dad couldn't make an event with the other, they'd take one of us. Me and Lexi were the only two who enjoyed going, Lexi cause he was dreaming of being dad one day and me because the people fascinated me.

A room full of men and women with pockets full of cash, investing time and energy into something. Exuding confidence and riches. Yet all seeming so lonely and insecure. I didn't know this is why I enjoyed the events when I was younger, I just felt seen even as I went unnoticed. It wasn't until I started attending with Dean that I got it.

It wasn't until I witnessed a woman get drunk off Prosecco that I understood. We were all just going through the motions, it sounds depressing but being at the events made me feel like less of a failure. Sure my success was adjacent at best, but I still made it in the room. A lot of people can't say that.

As I worked on my lip liner, I got a text from Dean with a time and the words "black tie." I smiled, "About to head to dinner, talk to you later."

Cozy finally came back to her phone, the light in her room reflecting off crop top made of rhinestones she was wearing. She gave a fake smile, hands on her hips and her curly hair in a wild mess around her head. "Yeah okay, tell Dean I said choke-I mean hi!"

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