8. It's Easy!

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Tuesday I woke up late, which meant I brought Shep breakfast at 9:23 instead of 9:15. No big deal, right? Apparently, wrong!

Shep straight up told me to fuck off, like I kid you not. I walked in with eggs and bacon on a plate, I flicked on the lights and smiled, "Running a bit late so I made extra bacon." I was being lighthearted and cute.

Shep, who had his arms crossed tightly over his chest, that same brown hoodie on, the hood pulled over his head, cut his eyes at me and said, "I don't want it."

I scoffed, trying to laugh it off but when I took another step forward, he turned his head away from me. "Nyah, leave."

I rolled my eyes, because he was being ridiculous. "Shep! I'm not even ten minutes late." I complained, hating that I messed up.

Shep didn't care, clearly, cause that's when he said slowly and clearly, "Fuck. Off."

He didn't have to tell me four times, so I left, "Fine then, starve." I muttered and went to chow down on two servings of eggs and bacon with a hearty glass of orange juice.

I was slouched, belly full, on the couch watching Martin re-runs and debating whether to make Shep a sandwich or order pizza for lunch when my phone rang. I jumped, fear that it was Dean gripping my heart - I felt bad once I saw it was Danny and relief flooded my veins. I answered, laying the phone against my ear, propped on my shoulder.


"If Shepherd's being a dick it's cause his mom isn't coming anymore." He said in a rush, sounding slightly out of breath.

I frowned, "Wait. Like not at all?"

"Nope," Danny growled. "Texted me like an hour ago. Apparently she called last night."

I groaned, now feeling bad for telling him to starve. "He told me to fuck off. Thought it was cause I brought his breakfast late." I grumbled, "Why isn't she coming?"

Danny snorted, "He can be a bitch." He said simply before sighing so loud and hard it made the speaker crackle. "Apparently since mom checked in on him, she feels it would be redundant for her to come out."

The noise I made matched the level of audacity Mrs. Shepherd had for thinking such a dumbass thing and then telling her son, who had a career ending injury, it. Like with her whole chest. I never met his mom and neither Danny nor Sean nor Shep have really talked about his family. All I know is that his mom's a piece of work and that's cause mom was venting to dad one night and I overheard.

"That's fucking bull shit."

"Yeah. Order a number eleven from the Chinese takeout menu on the fridge. It'll cheer him up a little bit," Danny instructed. "I've gotta go." He hung up.

I pushed off the couch to do as I was told, hoping the Chinese would mend my wrong from this morning. The person who answered the phone was a little snippy, so much so I just ordered two number elevens cause she was rushing me. Once I told her the address though, her entire tone changed.

"Is this for Mr. Derek?" She asked, voice going all soft and girly.

I rolled my eyes, "No."

"Oh," Her tone fell flatter than my third grade teachers toupee (if you saw the toupee, you'd understand the reference). "Wait, for Mr. Daniel?" She asked, tone creeping back up to that same excitement level.

I kissed my teeth, "Yeah."

She giggled, "Okay!" She sang before simply hanging up on me.

I frowned, taking my time with putting the menu back on the fridge. I slipped my phone into my jeans pocket and went back to sitting on the couch. When it vibrated in my pocket like five minutes later, I had to lean over to get it out, my jeans were tight!

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