6. Bitch!

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Okay, let me back track, I do want to marry Dean. I wouldn't have said yes to his proposal if I didn't. I wouldn't still be engaged to him six months later either; so what we haven't picked a date yet? We agreed, once he makes partner we'll start focusing on wedding stuff.

Even if after he makes partner we don't start planning, eh. I'm not in a rush. Mom and dad got married at damn near forty, I've got time. So yes, I want to marry Dean... eventually.

I think I said that to them because, well, I don't know. In the two full days I've been with Sean, Danny and Ari, I've felt more alive than I have since we were in high school. A lot of that has to do with the fact that Danny is probably my favorite person on this planet, we just get each other you know? Also Ari is hilarious even though I want to fight her more than anything... Like if I could be put in a cage match against anyone, it would be Ari. And yeah, she'd get a couple licks in, and sure, her nails would do some real damage but I guarantee I'd beat her...

Anyways, I love it here but I think it's because here's a distraction from my life. It's a distraction from being presentable and being careful with what I say. I said bitch and Ari's repeated it all through dinner despite her parents best effort to get her to stop, not once did they glare at me or berate me for presenting such foul language to their two year old.

I cursed one time at a dinner and Dean hissed at me and everyone present was an adult! Very far past of age.

So yeah, maybe I just need a break. A break from being fiancé, a break from being the other half of team Galanis. I know being a Kennedy comes with high expectation, but not here. Not in the home my brother has created for himself, here I'm safe. Ever since stepping through the doors of this home I've felt like I've been hugged non-stop. I wasn't ready for it to end...

Not that marrying Dean means it's gonna end I just- ugh. Just go to sleep, Nyah.

I rolled onto my back, stared up at the ceiling fan and declared to the silence, "I'm in love with Dean Galanis." I let the words ring in the air, tasted them on my lips just to see if it felt wrong. It didn't, because it's true. "I want to marry Dean G-Alanis." I tried again, choking slightly on his last name.

This statement didn't ring as true, but it felt kind of right? Like a pair of jeans that fit great on the legs but the waist was just too loose. I turned onto my side, going to sleep with that thought on my mind.

The next morning I showered, threw on some biker shorts and a matching sports bra and then made my way downstairs. Sean was in the kitchen, scrubs on, hair freshly washed and in a top knot. Ari sat at the island in her high chair, a crayon in one hand and a banana in the other. She was gnawing on the banana as she hummed some song.

I went and saddled up to Sean, bumping her with my hip. "Whatcha got for me today, boss?" I asked, not wanting to be in her business but also super curious about what she was furiously scribbling down.

I looked from Sean's pen to Ari's crayon. She immediately clocked me eyeing it and tucked it away under her other arm. She glared at me, "Mine!"

I rolled my eyes, "Get real, I don't want your raggedy crayon anyways." I told her, to which she stuck her tongue out and then licked her mushy banana.

Sean let out a huge breath, "You're on Shep duty. Monday's are shower days, sorry to throw you into the fire." She said, shoving the paper she was writing on towards me and giving me an unapologetic smile.

I frowned, "I was hoping I'd get Ari again. I think we're finally clicking." I said, only half serious.

Ari, the brilliant frenemy that she is of mine, chose that moment to display her colorful new vocabulary. "Bitch!"

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