7. Time To Bathe

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My day very quickly let me know it was in fact in charge of me. Well more so, Lisa asking about how I was really just- it sent me, okay. It sent me right down a path that many psychologist would label as spiraling. I was spiraling.

I knew for a fact I was when I was frantically searching the fridge for onions so I could make Aunt Nae's chili. The chili which has to have onions and I couldn't find them even though I saw them a little over an hour ago when I was making breakfast. I know I did because I remember thinking, "onions on avocado toast? Interesting, but no."

"Where the fuck," I snapped, pulling a drawer too hard and causing it to smack into the bottom rack on the fridge door.

I paused and suddenly I was outside of my body, watching myself, all crouched in front of the fridge, knees framing my shoulders like a yogi or a cave person, surrounded by produce that was not onions. Looking absolutely crazy.

Before I could do anything about my psycho seeming situation, the alarm on my phone went off. When I stood and looked at the stove, I saw it was 10:30 and therefore time to start prep for Shep's shower.

I swiped my phone off the counter and looked at my screen, a message from Dean sitting at the top of my notifications. Yes, in my spiral I took him off mute because than, no one could say I was running. If I was really running, I'd block him. But I'm not running, plus, that's ridiculous. We're engaged for crying out loud.

Blowing out a huge breath, I knocked on Shep's door before simply busting in. I also flicked on the lights and easily ignored his protests. I grew up with twin brothers remember? I've experienced all the moods and broken limbs, especially with Danny.

Shep's glare did not phase me.

In fact, I barely acknowledged him as I went to the bathroom to get the supplies Sean, with great detail, told me I'd need. Armed with a trash bag, duct tape and a giant rubber band, I stepped back into the bedroom. "Ready?"

Considering this is the first time I've seen this man's face in person in some years, I think I handled the shock of his rugged good looks pretty well. Taking some notes from Lisa's book of stating the facts, I admit, Shep is sexy! Even so all snuggled in the covers with his brown hoodie pulled up over his head looking like he hasn't seen daylight in months... maybe years. It was the beard, I've always been a sucker for beards and unfortunately for me, Dean can't grow one. Shep, though? Has had not a single problem.

Anyways, I shook the bag, "Derek Shepherd, it's time to bathe."

Finally, he opened his eyes and I honestly gasped a little, I forgot how blue they were. His eyes, I mean. He opened them and they almost instantly fluttered back shut before he squinted at me. "For a sec I thought you were Mrs. Courtney again." He grunted, throwing an arm over his eyes.

"Yes, yes, I'm the spitting image. Can you get up now?"

Instead of answering me, or taking the arm of his face, he simply reached with his free hand and pulled the covers off the leg that was wrapped in a cast basically from ankle to hip. I licked my bottom lip, about to say thank you with a load of sarcasm, but deciding against it. I got the feeling he'd say you're welcome back, and that would simply piss me off.

Setting my phone by his empty plate on the side table, I got to work wrapping the cast. Like I said, Sean went into great detail on this part, so I knew exactly what to do. I, however, was not prepared for how sensitive Shep would be to every touch and jostle. I swear, I'd breathe too hard and he'd wince.

I had just got the bag to the top of his cast when he threw his arm off his face and looked me directly in the eye. "Who the fuck is blowing up your phone?" He snapped, his stare so intense all composure I was holding onto, fled.

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