10. She Wishes Though

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Thursday's are Sean's day off and it also happened that Danny was off as well, that meant I was free for the day. However, considering I know no one outside of this house here, I hung around anyways and I'm glad I did. I got to spend breakfast with Danny and Ari as Sean spent time with Shep.

Aribella, while an absolute menace with me and kind of with Sean, was an absolute angel with Danny. It was cute watching her fall into giggles every time he did the airplane method to get her to eat her breakfast açaí bowl. I munched on a banana and some extra bacon, leaning against the counter. "How's preseason going?" I asked, sucking grease off my finger.

Danny looked over at me and shrugged, "It's alright." He scooped more from the fruit bowl.

I raised an eyebrow, "Doesn't sound like it's alright."

He shrugged again, "Well, it is."

My eyes narrowed, everything about his demeanor feeling off. I tucked the piece of hair that I missed when putting it up into a bun, behind my ear, "Doesn't sound like it."

Danny kissed his teeth, "I met Shep in little league." He said seemingly randomly, but it didn't feel like he was finished so I stayed quiet.

Ari, on the other hand, wasn't picking up on any socials cues, and tapped him on the arm, "Daddy, more." She said sweetly.

Danny focused back on feeding his daughter; that thought alone sent butterflies off in my stomach. Danny has a baby. I smiled but hid it behind my banana; Danny sighed, "We came into the league together. We've literally played on the same team our entire lives, since before we were even friends. It feels wrong without him." He said softly, sounding like he wasn't quite sure he should be saying what he was saying.

"That's valid, Nugget." I let him know, putting as much sincerity into my words as I could.

"Is it?" He asked, looking directly at me, pinning me with the weight of his stare. "I'm the one who's still able to play the game we both love and dreamed about playing since we were kids. He can't. So I need to get the fuck over it and play the damn game." He said the last part more to himself.

I frowned, crossing my arms under my chest, "Daniel Nixon Kennedy."

He barely glanced at me, instead he got a spoon full of açaí and brought it to Ari. Ari who was too busy humming and swinging her head side to side to notice. Danny cleared his throat, "Baby."

She stopped swinging her head and turned to her dad, the smile that spread her chubby cheeks mirrored Danny's cheeky grin and it nearly made my heart melt. But then she opened her mouth. "P'ay the damn game, daddy!" She exclaimed, smacking her hands on her tray table, hitting the spoon out of Danny's hand and sending it flying into his Off White hoodie.

Danny sat stunned, my jaw dropped, Ari clapped looking so damn proud of herself.

When he turned to look at me, I sprung into action and grabbed some paper towels. I got them a little wet and walked around the island, ending up meeting him behind Ari's high chair cause he stood from his stool. As I dabbed at his hoodie, I tried to find the words, but it was hard. I'm not good with this part, when I looked up into his eyes, I could see he was hoping I'd have something for him. My heart broke and I did all I knew how, I wrapped my arms around his middle and squeezed so damn tight.

It took him a second, but he eventually hugged me back, his hands rubbing my back. When I went to let go, he held me tighter so I stayed. I stayed and squeezed my bubby, my Nugget, my Danford. I held him and I breathed with him and I even smiled a little when a couple tears plunked onto my arm because while words are hard, tears speak freely. Without remorse, without regret.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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