how they ask you out

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- super confident
- straight (not really) to the point
- "hey cupcake, do you wanna go out with me?"
- has a small smirk on her face the whole time

- would be a blushing mess
- he probably rehearsed his lines in front of his mirror beforehand
- "h-hey y/n, would you like go out with me?"
- would look down at his shoes right after

- she'd start overthinking the fact that you might not like girls
- malina would give her a motivational pep talk
- "i don't know if you like girls but i was wondering if you would like to go out with me?"
- would look at you in uttermost shock if you said yes

- he'd embody duncan's confidence
- would definitely buy you a flower
- "this is probably really sudden but would yo-"
- "yes i'll go out with you"
- "wait what?!"

the daily punctilio ; asoue preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now