texts with louis

138 3 0

lou 💘: only you my girl

lou 💘: only you babe

lou 💘: only you my girl

lou 💘: only you babe

You: to what do i owe the pleasures of my phone pinging so many times at 7 IN THE MORNING?!

lou 💘: good morning princess

You: it's 7am lou what do you want?

lou 💘: i need to have a reason to text my favourite girl?

You: well no, but at 7 in the morning it means you want something lou

lou 💘: movie day at my place???

You: i'll have to check my schedule...

lou 💘: (y/n) wth you don't even use an agenda for school, let alone one for your life

lou 💘: plus you're extremely unorganised

You: gee thanks baby :)

lou 💘: no but seriously, movie day?

You: yeah i've got nothing better to do :)

lou 💘: that's a better answer

You: i'll bring cinnamon rolls

lou 💘: FUCK YEAH

the daily punctilio ; asoue preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now