telling their family

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- her parents already knew she was bi, but she'd never shown up at the house with a girl
- so when her parents came to answer the door, they wore a puzzled, but also knowing expression on their face
- "hi mum, dad. Hope it's not too much trouble that I brought my girlfriend (y/n) with me"
- by the end of the day, her parents are already calling you a second daughter and are over the moon to have you in the family

- his sister Lara would be the first to know, and she'd be absolutely ecstatic
- he had brought you over to his parents house, without them knowing he was bringing a plus one
- his sister came to answer the door, letting you both in, his parents were seated in the living room
- "m-mum, dad. Um this is my girlfriend (y/n)"
- they would both welcome you with hugs and a million questions
- "oh louis you got very lucky"
- "i know"

- her parents don't know that she's bi, let alone that she's dating a girl, but she's not worried about it
- you were more worried than her
- she had invited her parents over to her house, and when you were the one to open the door, they thought they had mistaken the house
- "hi mr and mrs lake, please come in"
- avi then appears in the living room to greet her parents
- "oh mum, dad. this is (y/n); my girlfriend"
- her parents both wear the proudest smiles as they look at both of you

- he had to bribe his sisters kayla and adysson to not tell his parents, since he wanted to be the one to tell them
- when you both arrive at the kingwell residency, you're quite literally shaking, but dylan reassures you that they'll both be really happy
- he unlocks the door and slips inside, making his way into the back garden, where his parents
- all this without letting go of your hand
- "dylan! hi sweetheart. oh hello (y/n) dear. what a pleasant surprise"
- "hi mum. hope you don't mind having my girlfriend (y/n) over for lunch
- it's safe to say her parents were absolutely ecstatic

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