when they're jealous

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- she watched as you interacted with some guys at your friends weekly get together
- before you two were dating, it didn't bother her, but now it really did
- the smile that was on your face and the way the guy looked at you made her clench her jaw
- you looked in her direction, seeing her already looking at you, you excused yourself
- "are you alright my love?" "perfectly fine"
- a laugh left your lips as you understood what was going on
- "i've only got eyes for you m" you kissed her cheek lightly before making your way over to the food table
- she pulled you back, seating you on her lap
- "sorry, i just didn't like the way he was looking at you"
- she wrapped her arm around your waist
- "no need to be jealous love, i'm all yours"

- he wasn't one to show he was jealous, but when he saw the way his cousin kept checking you out, it became hard for him to hide his jealousy
- his sister was the first to notice, going over to you and nodding towards louis
- getting the message, you walked over to him, completely oblivious
- "you alri-" "enjoying being checked out?"
- you were taken back by his harsh words
- "what are you taking about?"
- "have you not seen the way my cousin has been checking you out?!"
- you turned to look around, catching the guys eye, you rolled your eyes at him
- "him? i don't think you need to be jealous lou"
- you pressed a hard kiss to his lips, "i think he got the message"
- "nah, i think we need to do that again to make sure he fully understands"
- he pulled you in, attaching his lips to yours once again

- avi was a regular customer at the costa coffee shop you worked at
- but what she didn't expect when she came in one morning, was to see your co-worker amy flirting with you
- you face showed some sort of discomfort
- when you spotted her coming up to the counter, you took the opportunity to get away from amy
- "what can i get for you today my love?"
- she completely discarded your question as she turned her attention to your co-worker
- "you better stop flirting with my girlfriend before there are serious problems. have i made myself clear?"
- the startled expression on amy's face was priceless as she backed away into the kitchen
- "much better. sorry my love" avi turned to look at you with a soft expression
- you came around the counter, pressing your lips to hers for a quick kiss "thank you"

- when i tell you this man is protective af i'm not kidding
- and when he gets jealous, he's jealous big time
- so when he catches you talking to one of his friends at a party, he immediately thinks of the worst case scenario
- he gets up from the sofa and makes his way over to you, wrapping his arm around your waist in a protective manner
- "can i help you mate" he turns to look at his friend, who looks startled and confused
- he moves away, leaving you two alone
- "what was all that about?"
- "he was clearly into you (y/n), and you were so oblivious to it"
- you let out a laugh, shaking your head
- "are you jealous?!" "no i'm-"
- "did you not think that maybe he was just trying to get to know his friends girlfriend better?"
- he scratches his head in embarrassment "good point"
- you place a light kiss on his cheek
- "i'm only yours, and i wouldn't have it any other way"

i got kinda carried away with this one but i love it :)

the daily punctilio ; asoue preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now