first kiss

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- you'd be out on a picnic date by the water
- she had been staring at you for at least thirty seconds, but you hadn't noticed
- you turned to look at her, and your eyes widened at her adoring face
- "can i kiss you (y/n)?"
- your words were caught in your throat so you just nodded
- she put a hand on your cheek, her pinkie and index finger hooking under your chin as she connected her lips to yours

- would be a bundle of nerves 100%
- he wouldn't be sure how to go about asking
- you were sketching while he would look at you from time to time
- eventually caught him looking at you, a laugh escaping your lips
- "if you want to kiss me lou you don't need to be afraid to ask"
- he'd be absolutely dumbfounded
- you got up from your seat, putting your hands on his cheeks and giving him a light kiss
- a wave of confidence would come over him and he'd pull you back in for another
- "you're a mind reader (y/n)"

- you two were dancing around the kitchen to lorde
- she spun you around in the air, then sat you down on the counter
- a smile was painted across her face as she stood between your legs, noting but adoration in her eyes
- "can i kiss you love?"
- you nodded as she pulled you off the counter, her lips pressing to yours in a very awaited kiss

- mr confidence wouldn't be very confident when it came to the first kiss
- he had taken you out on a date to the park
- you were walking side by side, holding hands as you swing your arms back and forth
- he would be absolutely head over heels as you smiled widely as you looked around
- "you're awfully quiet dylan, are you alright?"
- a huff would leave his lips as he turns to face you
- "is it weird to ask if i can kiss you?"
- "not at all mr kingwell"
- he'd be quick to pull you close to him, attaching his lips to your in a much needed kiss

the daily punctilio ; asoue preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now