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Everything was different now. As I strode down the empty hallway with Joey by my side, chattering on about something that I wasn't quite paying attention to, I can't help but be a little nervous about how Tobias might react when he sees him with me.

Sure, I've realised that no matter how hard I'd tried and how decent of a guy Joey was, I couldn't bring myself to have feelings for him. Especially not when Tobias was right there, never giving me the chance to put him out of my mind.

As we entered the Pit, Tobias's eyes snagged on me in an instant, as if he could sense that I was near. He smiles when he meets my gaze. Then, his eyes flick over his shoulder and that smile he'd rewarded me with simply...vanishes.

I would've found the immediate change in his demeanour amusing if it wasn't for the fact that he looked as if he was about to strangle the life out of Joey.

Instead, I fix on a wide smile, "Good morning," I chirped as I passed him, stopping in front of him with my arms tucked behind my back.

As he peers down at me, I could see the smile that he was fighting to keep tamed.

"Morning," He replies curtly.

I frowned at his tone before noticing that he was eyeing Joey once again.

Rolling my eyes at him, I nudged him in the arm, "He's still my friend," I reason, "Relax, would you?"

Tobias returns his narrowed gaze on me and hums thoughtfully before he wraps an arm around my waist and leans down to press a painfully gentle kiss to my lips.

"I've missed you," He whispers against my lips and I can't help but smile.

I could feel Joey's stare boring into the back of my head and I pointedly ignore it as I turned on my heel to join everyone else as they started filtering into the room.

Joey's gaze followed me until I finally stopped beside him.

"Since when did that happen?" He demanded and I frowned at his snappy tone.

Joey was a nice guy, and sure, I did briefly entertain the possibility of things becoming more for us in my head at one point, but I also don't think I gave him any inclination that things between us were anything more than just a friendship. Even if that were my intention, I was too busy being caught up in Tobias's presence to have.

Contrary to what I told Tobias, I just...couldn't. And not for the lack of trying.

Alas, the heart wants what it wants. And my wanted the boy who confessed his love through books and read to me as I laid on his chest.

"It's new," I reply- not a lie since this thing between Tobias and I was technically new- before fixing my gaze back in front.

Joey scoffs at my reply but says nothing and I turn to face him, feeling slightly annoyed at his attitude.

"Is there something you'd like to say?" I snapped and he shakes his head as if in disgust.

"Nothing," He shrugs, "It just must be nice to have bagged the instructor, huh? I imagine it comes with a whole lot of perks."

I narrow my eyes at him, wondering how I never noticed this side of him.

"It sure does," I shoot back, "Evidently, one of them being its ability to reveal one's true colours. Now I know who the snakes are."

Feeling as if I might punch someone if I'd stayed beside him, I make my way further up through the crowd.

Tobias raises a brow at an extremely annoyed look that was probably etched on my face and I shook my head to let him know that it wasn't anything he had to be concerned about.

"Alright," Tobias's voice rings out throughout the space, "We'll be working on your combat today, so pair up."

Normally, I would've paired up with Joey. But it seems my so-called 'friend' had other plans today, turning to one of the Candor transfers- whose name I'm pretty is Peter- and exchanging some kind of handshake with him.

The scene was surprising for mostly two reasons; one, was that I didn't even know the two were friends. The second was that Joey had been a sweetheart ever since we'd gotten here, and so his sudden change in attitude shocks me, to say the least.

I glanced around the room with a huff, searching for someone who might've also not been able to find a partner.

Blowing out a breath that ruffles the stray hairs that had fallen onto my forehead, I turn just in time to see Tobias stopping behind me.

"Where's your usual partner?" He questions, looking annoyed at how I was left alone.

I shrugged and jerked my chin towards where Joey was chatting happily with the Candor transfers. He follows my gaze and frowns. I'm pretty sure I even heard him call Joey an asshole under his breath.

"You can join Edward and Myra."

I nodded, before moving to join the pair. They seemed like perfectly nice people, welcoming me into their fold with open arms and even inviting me to join them for dinner after, an offer I had gratefully accepted, seeing as the person I had thought was my friend was now giving me the cold shoulder.

As training drew to an end, I left with Myra and Edward. It wasn't hard to tell that the two were an item. They were cute together. In a way, they had kind of reminded me of how Tobias and I used to be.

Myra hooked an arm around mine as we turned into a dark tunnel that led to the dining hall, her eyes glinting with mischief as she leaned in conspiratorially.

Glancing around to make sure the coast was clear, she asked, "So, what's up with you and the hot trainer?"

"Myra..." Edward drawled scoldingly as he trailed behind us, "It's none of your business." He said, earning a deadly glare from his girlfriend.

I laughed, enjoying the light bickering between them and shrugged, "It's new." I reiterated what I had said to Joey. I was going to have to speak to Tobias about this...just so we could both get our stories straight.

She doesn't probe any further as we entered the bustling dining hall, where we were barely able to find an empty seat.

Thankfully, we managed to snag one just before it was taken by someone else...a person that so happened to be Joey.

I don't miss the glare that he levels me with that made guilt rise in my chest. Before I could get too lost in my head, however, Myra nudges me.

"Ignore him," She told me, "We all saw the way he ditched you earlier, so screw him. Right, Ed?" She turned to him for support, to which he nodded firmly- I couldn't quite decide if he was just going along with her for the sake of it, or if he had really agreed with her sentiment.

Deciding to take Myra's advice, I dug into my food, nudging the green beans on my plate around. Truth be told, I wasn't a big fan of greens and there were only a selected few vegetables that I was willing to put in my mouth. And green beans weren't one of them.

I didn't even notice that someone had slipped into the seat beside me until a fork reaches over and scooped up my greens.

My eyes snapped up to meet Tobias's, his chocolate gaze dancing with amusement.

"Some things never change," He stated with a smile in his voice as he added my green beans to his pile before shoving his serving of chocolate cake towards me.

I sunk my teeth into my lip, trying hard to fight a smile- an effort that proved to be futile as a wide grin spreads across my face.

It was in that moment that I realised that I was wrong.

My heart didn't just want the boy who confessed his love through books and read to me. It wanted the man who gave up his chocolate cake for me, too.

The Way I Loved You | Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now