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The chilly weather now that the sun has set was nice in comparison to the warm mornings that had me all sticky and sweaty.

As I jogged down the pathway beside the large open field right out front of the Dauntless compound with the breeze in my hair, I found myself smiling at how freeing it all had felt- like this was where I was always meant to be.

One minute, my feet were pounding against the concrete ground and the next, I found myself being swept off my feet and thrown over a broad shoulder.

I squealed as I gripped the back of Tobias's shirt in pure instinct even though every part of me trusted that he would never let me fall.

"Tobias, put me down!"

He lets out a low chuckle but doesn't make a move to do as I'd asked. Instead, he hitches me higher onto his shoulder and continues walking to god knows where. I had to admit though, the vantage point did give me a spectacular view of his butt.

I kick out my legs wildly, "Tobias! Where are you even taking me?"

"You were supposed to wait for me," He clicks his tongue, "I told you to wait, didn't I?"

I struggle against Tobias' hold, but his strong band around my legs refuse to budge.

Desperate to gain the upper hand- mostly just so I could rub it in Tobias' pretty face- I found myself with no other choice but to sink my teeth into the skin above his shoulder blade.

Just like I suspected it would, Tobias loosens his grip on me and I land on my feet, looking up at him to see him staring at me with a mixture of shock and amusement.

"Did you just bite me?"

Nothing could have stopped the grin that was spreading across my face, so wide that it made my cheeks start to ache, as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Keep up, old man!" I threw over my shoulder as I took off running again.

"Oh, don't worry, baby. I can keep up, alright." I hear Tobias say behind me, followed by the sound of quick footfalls.

I risk a glance over my shoulder to see Tobias gaining on me quickly and letting out a loud shriek and picking up speed.

My breaths materialise in puffs in front of my face and my heart was pounding again my chest. Even though my legs were burning and I was losing breath, this was still quickly becoming the best night I've had ever since my dad died and Tobias left.

Just when I thought I could outrun him- a silly notion seeing as to how fit he was, I know- I feel myself being lifted off of the ground with those same familiar arms wrapping around my waist from behind.

Before I knew it, I was laid down on the surrounding grass.

I'm staring up at the starry night sky, fighting to catch my breath when Tobias' beautiful face comes into view and as much as I loved the stars, I found that it made for a much better view than the sky did.

Tobias hovered over me with his arms braced on either side of my head. And though I wasn't running anymore, the sight of him steals my breath away once again.

His eyes took in my features as if he was trying to take in as much of me as his memory could possibly allow him to.

Then, he wordlessly lifts a hand and gently brushes away the damp strands of hair that had been sticking to my face with sweat.

He pauses just like that, with his palm resting against my cheek as if he needed a reminder that this was real.

Reaching up, I wrap my arms around his neck and smile up at him.

"Kiss me, Toby."

Without missing a beat, Tobias lowers his lips to mine, kissing me tenderly like he could somehow convey his love through his kisses.

Warmth pools in my chest as his lips move against mine, a feeling I was all too familiar with. It was the exact same feeling I had felt when he held me in his arms underneath our tree back in Abnegation. The same one that made me feel as if I could fly whenever he told me that he loves me. And that...that was how I knew that there was no way I had fallen out of love with Tobias.

It was as though my heart beats for him. Like he was the other half of my soul that I never knew I needed until he was there to feel the empty spot.

"I've never stopped loving you," Tobias whispers against my lips.

My lips part into a smile, causing me to pull apart from Tobias' slightly. But just as I was about to pick up where we had left off, the loud sound of something clearing their throat over us had Tobias jerking away and glaring over his shoulder at our intruder.

I look up to see a smug-looking Zeke standing over us with his arms crossed over his chest and looking every bit like a proud parent, "The whole 'friends' thing didn't last very long, did it?"

Tobias lets out a disgruntled groan, "Go away, Zeke."

He then turns his attention back on me, leaning in with the intention of continuing our kiss, I assumed.

I pull back just before his lips meet mine once again, feeling icky about having someone watching over us during such an intimate moment felt wrong on so many levels.

"Well...I can't," Zeke drawls, drawing another very unhappy-sounding grunt from Tobias, "You see, Shauna sent me. Word got out about your girl and the rascals want to meet her. They set up this entire thing on the roof. And I figured it would be such a bad idea so Fallon could meet some new friends and whatever."

Tobias lets out a heavy sigh before helping me to my feet and dusting off my back.

"Alright, alright," He grumbles reluctantly, holding out a hand for me. "I guess this is a good thing. Zeke's brother, Uriah, and his friends are the same age as you are."

I grin up at him, "The way you put it makes it sound as if you're so old."

He reaches down and snatches my hand in his when I make no move to take the one he's offered.

"Don't think I've forgotten about that 'old man' comment that you made just now," He says just loud enough for me to hear as Zeke trails in front of us and winks at me, "I'll get you back for it later."

The Way I Loved You | Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now