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"Alright, listen up!" Tobias tenses when Eric's voice booms across the space as if he senses that something is off too.

I stiffen as I notice the leader's gaze on me, the look in his eyes promising nothing more than trouble as his lips quirked up into a sinister-looking smile.

Stopping in front of me, Eric turns to face me, his cold gaze boring into me in a way that sends a shiver down my spine.

"Initiate," He says in a low, threatening voice.

I gulp in nervousness, my eyes darting to the side to see Tobias standing with his hands fisted so tightly by his side that it looks like he's ready to rip Eric apart if he so much as touched me.

"I hear you're going around sleeping with your higher-ups in exchange for favours," He states with a smirk, "Do I get a turn? I can make sure you never get cut. Doesn't that sound like a nice incentive?"

I glare up at the asshole, sensing trouble brewing when I spot Tobias marching over from over his shoulder.

If I didn't do something quick, things were going to turn ugly and I might end up getting Tobias in trouble.

"Not interested," I snap back.

"No?" Eric raises a brow, looking far too amused for my liking. "What can I do to get you to say yes, then?" He raises his hand, bringing it towards my face as if he's about to brush his fingers through my hair when Tobias's hand shoots out to grab his wrist.

I hadn't even noticed that he'd made his way towards us until he shoved Eric back and positioned himself between me and him.

"Don't fucking touch her," He hisses through gritted teeth.

Eric throws back his head in laughter. Except, it sounded anything but joyful. Instead, his laughter sounded menacing reminding me for that of the evil villain in a movie, which I guess was a pretty apt description.

Eric's features turn so cruel when his eyes land on Tobias that it makes me shiver. "You're way out of line, Four." The leader closes the gap Tobias had put between them, staring down his nose at him. "And mark my words, I'm going to make you pay for it. Well..." His lips parted in a smile that promised misery, "Maybe not you," He shrugs carelessly, his eyes darting to me in a way that makes his soulless blue eyes intentions loud and clear, "But I'm sure you'll suffer regardless."

"You touch a single hair on her head and I will kill you."

I don't think I've ever seen Tobias so angry in my life. His body was practically vibrating at how riled up he was and it was clear to me now that the sweet boy that I once knew had grown into a man that was also a little rough around the edges.

"Is that so?" Eric looks as cocky as before, seemingly unfazed by Tobias's warning. But I could tell from the way he clenched his jaw that he wasn't happy that he was being stood up to.

"You don't want to test me, Coulter."

Clearly trying to aggravate Tobias, "Yeah? What exactly are you going to do about it, hm?" He smirks, "Don't forget who's in charge, Four." Then, to drive his point home, he leans forward and whispers something in Tobias's ear in a voice too low for me to hear.

But whatever he said must've been bad because the next thing I know, Tobias grabs Eric by the collar, with the threat of violence heavy in the air.

"Watch your fucking mouth." Tobias was gritting his teeth so hard that I was starting to get worried that he was going to end up hurting himself.

Not only that, all the initiates were starting to gather around to watch their higher-ups face down with each other. With a galore of witnesses surrounding us, I knew it meant that if Tobias were to hurt Eric, he was sure to get in trouble.

"Toby," I rushed forward to place a hand against his back. "He's not worth it."

Tobias doesn't barge though, still glaring down at Eric with enough venom I was surprised the latter hadn't dropped dead yet.

"Toby, please..." I clutched the back of his shirt desperately, trying to be the voice of reason.

Thankfully, a familiar face pushed through the crowd, filling my chest with relief.

"Four," Zeke places a hand on Tobias's shoulder, trying to separate the two. "Come on, man. You're scaring her."

His words seem to make Tobias pause. Then, finally, he releases Eric with a harsh shove back and some last parting words. "Stay the fuck away from her," He warns.

Then, turning on his heels, he grabs my hand and leads me out of the Pit with Zeke and Uriah following close behind.

I spot Edward and Myra on my way out, both of whom looked seriously concerned. I shook my head, wordlessly trying to relay that I was alright and hoping that the message was understood.

We made it back to Tobias's apartment. He unlocks the door and lets me enter first, with Uriah bringing up the rear and shutting the door behind him.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Zeke jumps right to the point.

Tobias takes a deep breath, running a hand across his face. "He threatened her, and I just..." His eyes meet mine, and seeing the worried expression on my face all the fight seemed to leave him at once.

Closing the space between us, he takes my face in his hands and presses a kiss to my forehead. "Everything will be fine. I just have to speak to Zeke for a minute, okay?"

He shoots a nod at Zeke and the two leave to the opposite end of the room to speak in low, harsh voices.

Uriah walks over to me, "You okay?" He sighs, leaning plopping down on Tobias's armchair. "That was intense. I went to get Zeke as fast as I could."

"Thanks for that," I tell him.

"Don't worry about it." Uriah shakes his head with a severe frown, "I hate to say it, but I think your friend might have had something to do with this mess."

"What did you say?" Tobias's voice cuts through the otherwise quiet space, "What friend?" His questions sound harsh, but Uriah seemed to understand that none of the animosity was directed at him.

"The Erudite transfer that kept sticking to her," Uriah explains.

"Joey?" Tobias's eyes dart to mine, "Has he been giving you any trouble?"

"Not really," I shrugged, "He's been annoying and hostile, yes. But nothing alarming."

Tobias and Zeke exchanged a look and the two seemed close enough that they understood what each other was trying to say even with not a single word muttered.

The pair talked for a little while more while Uriah kept me company with mindless chatter.

As soon as the brothers take their leave, Tobias approaches me and takes me into his arms before sitting us down on the armchair that Uriah had vacated.

I made myself comfortable on his lap and in his arms, leaning my head on his shoulder.

I could see the thoughts swirling in his mind as he held me, his eyes were far away and I sat up, touching my fingers to his chin to gain his attention.

"Hey," I smiled at him when he looked down at me.

"Hey," He whispered in reply and offered me a small smile in return. Reaching up, he ran his fingers through my hair, leaning forward until our foreheads touched. "I love you," He tells me, "And I won't let anyone hurt you, you know that right?"

In response, I leaned up to kiss him, and he immediately returned the kiss with vigour, his arms tightening around me like he was desperate to have me as close to him as possible.

There was not a lot of things in life that I was sure of, but the one thing that I have never doubted, even when he left, was Tobias's love for me.

The Way I Loved You | Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now