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921 21 5

I got back to the house after a while, stopping along the way for some causal browsing. I thought to myself that, I had confessed my love to someone else. It's good to get things off of your chest.

I walked out of my room, taking a bite of a sandwich I hade made and saw Luther and Allison.

"Hello amigos! What's the rush?" I asked in a suggested voice.

"Come one Y/n. We have to show you something." Allison said grabbing my arm but stopped when we reached a bloodied and beat up five behind us.

"Five?" Allison asked and dropped my arm. He had a new duffle bag that seemed beat up too.

"What the hell Mcfly?!" I said motioning to his state

"What the hell happened to you?" Allison asked.

"Are you ok? Can we help?" Luther asked reaching for the bag but five grabbed his wrist.

"There's nothing you can do. There's nothing any of you can do." Five said as he gave us a sulking look and I sighed.

"Come one lets go." I said as I threw my arm over his shoulder and looked back at Allison

"Tell me later, I'll take care of him." I said and she nodded as Luther and her walked away. I led five back to his room and he set down his bag and pulled out, a mannequin.

"Y/n...this. Is Delores." He said propping her up on a stool in the corner of the room. I soon realised that this wasn't a joke. He thought she was real. Oh five...

"It's very nice to meet you Mrs Delores." I said shaking her remaining arm. Five smiled at my effort

"Oh called her Dee. She prefers that." He said and I smiled at him.

"Well, Dee. I have to say, you landed yourself in an old sticky situation with this one." I said motioning to five and he rolled his eyes smiling.

"I am not Delores!" He said sounding offended

"I don't know what you said! But he is! He most definitely is!" I said excited and he scoffed before sitting onto the bed and I followed behind him.

"I've been meaning to give you something." I said nervously. Was I really about to do this? Yes, y/n he needs this.

"What is it?" He asked and I sighed before leaning in and hugging me. He tenses up. His whole body soon relaxed as the young boy realised that he needed this hug more than Delores, more than a good nights sleep, more than his morning coffee. He needed her.

"I think you should get some sleep." I muttered as he broke the hug and nodded

"Me too, it's been a long day." He said and I laughed lightly.

"Jesus five your arm!" I said as I saw blood seep through his arm

"Oh it's nothing, let's get back to looking at each other, I like that." He mocked

"How much blood have you lost?!" I said as I ran to get him a first aid from his closet.

"Enough to make Delores seem like a Cuban woman." He said and I rolled my eyes. I stitched him up rather quickly and he laid down in bed. I took off his shoes and socks.

"Now, go to sleep." I said and he muttered something along the lines of a reply.

"Night Mcfly." I said quietly as snores lightly. I took his girlfriend and placed her under his arm. He leaned slowly into her and sighed

"Y/n your hair smells nice." He said as he hugged the mannequin closer and my eyes went wide

why did he think he was snuggling with me?!?!?

I slowly left the room in a panic. I needed sleep myself. Maybe I should just stay in his room, make sure he doesn't get hurt. I opened the door again and laid down on the chair in the opposite corner. I sighed and closed my eyes as I slept a well needed sleep.


5 years ago

"My sister, the gambler. Her and I understood each other. Her power was as useless as mine. We never spoke about personal things though. Us always staying back on the riskier missions. At least she was counted as part of the family. Y/n lost herself though. When five left and Ben died she was in a spiral. She drank and she spent. Using up all dads money. When we were staying home whiles others were in missions she would sneak out and spend money she had taken from dad. He found out about this and kicked her out. I guess that was for the best though. One less addict for me to deal with picking up off the sidewalk when she passes out." I read on the paper before me. I was in my bedroom in my 4 story house. Did he really say that about me? I never thought Viktor and I were close but, we got along well. I guess he felt differently.

That night I cried. Real tears. I was down four brothers and one of the ones I had was fucking some girl in Omaha. I had no one. Except for Jay, he's swell.



Work, Sleep, Reproduce, Die - Five Hargreeves x reader Where stories live. Discover now