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645 13 14

We arrived at Leonard's house not too long after it was travelled that Leonard was Harold and blah blah blah..
I hopped out of the car and five held out his hand for me. I took it and smiled as we walked up to the front door

"Be careful ok? We don't know what Peabody capable of." Allison said as we crossed the sidewalk and looked at his house

"Yeah, he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him. Looked kinda scrawny." Diego said and I laughed

" Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers. I mean, look at him." Allison said pointing at five and I glared at her before leaning into fives ear

"I think you look very handsome." I said and his cheeks went red as he kissed the top of my head. This was all I wanted, happiness.

"Good point. So what's this guy want with Viktor?" Diego said and Allison ran to the side of the house looking for a way in.

"I don't know. How about we ask him after we kill him." Five said and I chuckled lightly

"Who, who. Hey, look. I'm gonna burst through— you know what. It would be nice for people just to stick to—" five teleported us inside. We landed in the living room and I let go of his hand to see what Diego was going to do. All of a sudden he jumped through the door and landed on the ground which caused me to laugh so hard. Allison and five walked past him as five opened the door

"Subtle." Allison said as Diego groaned in pain which only made me laugh more

"You know the door was unlocked." Five showed and Diego sighed as I laughed even more. Five came over and helped me up and I wiped my tears and calmed down.

"Yeah, well my way works just fine. Spread out. Yell if you, uh. You know, you're in trouble." Diego said and I giggled as five held onto my waist.

"Ah, Inspiring leadership." Five said

"One of the greatest." Allison responded as she walked upstairs and five and I went to the kitchen as Diego searched the living room.

"Your laugh is nice." Five said and I smiled

"And your smile" he said not even facing me which took me off guard and I walked over and placed my head on his shoulder.

"You too hun." I said and he turned red again as I kissed his neck softly and he sighed, leaning back into me.

"It's been a rough couple of days." He said and I nodded as I continued leaving kisses up and down his shoulder and neck

"It will be fine. We will kill this guy, and go back to living normally." I said but that wasn't true. I would go back to being old me. Drunk, high, gambling. Five would be ashamed of the woman I am.

"Yeah, man, if only Delores was real she would tell us what to do." He said and I instantly froze. He turned around realising what he had done.

"Hey guys! Come check this out!" Allison yelled from upstairs and five tried to say something but I walked off. Seriously?! His girlfriend is kissing him and all he can think about is plastic.
I walked upstairs and climbed the ladder into the attack. Allison, Diego and Five were already there. Maybe five just saw me as some sort of replacement for Delores..
Did he love me? Or did he just see me as her but real?

"All out faces are burnt off." Allison said and I noticed that mine weren't

"Mine aren't." I said and we looked around at the different photos. Why not mine?

"Looks like Y/n has got a secret admirer." Diego teased and I scoffed as I picked up a notebook. Inside were love notes, photos of me that I had never seen before. Pictures taken from my room window of me in just my underwear and ticket stubs for the casinos I played at. Receipts with my name on it. Figurines and magazine covers of me. My name. In poems and songs and letters. They were all of me. Including photos of me recently. Walking around the streets. Photos of me and five but five was scribbled out.

"What the fuck." I said and five peered over my shoulder before collapsing
What the fuck

"Wh- five?" I said as my boyfriend laid on the ground in pain.

"Blood." Allison said as she lifted up his shirt to reveal a gunshot

"Are you stupid?! Why didn't you tell me Mcfly?!" I said and he smiled.

"I love that name." He said and I rolled my eyes whiles holding his head.

"We need to get him home.. Now!!"

(Time skip)
I stood in fives doorway as he slept whiles mom packed up the first aid kit.

"He will be alright y/n" she reassured me before walking out. I walked over to him and placed a light kiss on his lips, hoping he would kiss me back but he was still asleep.

"Delores..?" He whispered and I gave him a confused look before standing up and walking back to the door frame.
He was never going to love me as much as her. I mean, what was I thinking?! He was with her for 45 years!

"There's no answer at Viktors place. And, the receptionist at his muck school. Said he was a no-show for his lessons today." Allison said as her and Diego came up behind me. Tears filled my eyes as I walked my "boyfriend" lie unconscious.

"Hey, y/n? You ok?" He said and I nodded

"I'm just worried about Viktor." Half of that was true. I was worried about my brother but also sad that my boyfriend was never going to love me as much as Delores. I mean 45 years! I could never compare to that.

"We don't have enough time, we gotta go." Diego said about to walk off but Allison stopped him.

"I don't know Diego. Five is laying here unconscious. We need him." Allison said and I scoffed

"Like hell we do. I'm the smartest person on earth! We can do anything without him!" I yelled and a chair went flying across the room. My eyes widened as did my sibling and they looked down at me and then the red dust that appeared again.

"Sorry, new powers. No idea how to control them." I said and they nodded weirdly.

"We can do this ourselves." Diego said and I nodded agreeing with him

"We did that already, remember? We all ended up dead. I mean, I don't want to see the look on fives face again when he sees his dead girlfriends body and he can't do anything about it." Allison said and I looked at her and shook my head.
I was going to have to call thing off, otherwise we would go on, pretending that he doesn't love her but he does, I know he does.

"I'm just.. I'm thinking I should go and see Claire before—"

"You can't run away from this Allison." Diego said and I nodded in agreement.

"That's what started this whole mess in the first place." I said and Diego nodded

"Luther was right." Diego said and me and Allison turned to him with a confused look

"I didn't think I would ever hear you say those words."

"Yeah well... we gotta stick together." Diego said and I laughed lightly.

"Where do we start?" Allison asked

"There's no other addresses in the file, but there is another relation listed. Jenkins' Grandmother—"

"Hell no! I'm not killing a sweet old woman!" I said and he rolled his eyes

"She won't be there, plus we need to fine Viktor as fast as possible. She lives near Jackpine Road." Diego said as he began to walk off

"It's a good enough place to start." I said and Allison nodded as I took one final glance at my boyfriend, soon to be ex, not by choice, and walked away with Allison and Diego.


Work, Sleep, Reproduce, Die - Five Hargreeves x reader Where stories live. Discover now