Vegas: The Future I Have Chosen For Myself

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All my life, people around have demanded more from me than from others.

As Alpha, also the eldest of my siblings, I was to be responsible and helpful, like a lighthouse that marks the way for ships lost at night. With this quote for years I lived in the belief that my role in life would be based only on a stable job, finding Omega and making a bunch of children, until I met him.

He was sitting on a bench, alone, but he didn't look lonely. Cute darkhaired man hummed a song under his breath, singing the lyrics, and even though I didn't know them myself, I couldn't stop listening to this melodic, gentle voice. Like a mermaid, he drew me to him until, forgetting myself for a moment, I sat next to close, expecting the continuation of this sweet, but also quite intimate performance. When he squealed and his plump cheeks took on a rose tint, I could hardly swallow my saliva, feeling everything going dry in my throat. We introduced ourselves and I knew that I would not forget about him for a long time, so when the opportunity arose, I invited him on a date.

At first he refused, even asked me not to come back with this topic again, but I was stubborn and in the end I was going to fight for what I wanted. Soon after we were already a couple, and I couldn't stop feeling like I had won the lottery. Pete was perfect, charming and caring about others, yet calm and understanding my need to prove myself and prove to my family that I can succeed without connections. Even my brother, Macau, who does not like people, completely fell under Pete's spell. Only my father was not convinced.

"I just mean that you should not get used to it, it's just Beta," he muttered when I dropped in to visit him after class. "You've been so insistent on him, okay, your significant other hasn't appeared yet, but these declarations of love? Unnecessary."

"Very necessary," I growled, for although I cared about my family, I was fed up with how my father spoke about the man with whom I was planning my future.

"Now you think so, because you don't know life yet," he assured me, pushing another big bite into his mouth.

I tried to eat with him at least once a week, and although Pete had also come to our diners before, after a few inappropriate comments from older man, my lover asked me to spend time with my family without him. It hurt to know how much the people I loved didn't like each other, but I couldn't get them to start talking without any prejudice, and even though Pete tried for the first few meetings, my father wouldn't give in. For a while, I considered losing contact with Pa for a little while, until he will realize what he might lose by being so stubborn, but Pete didn't want us to fell apart just like this.

I knew why he was so gentle with my father, after all, he lost his family at a young age, but I didn't want him to think he was second to me. From the day I decided to get him on a date, he was number one for me and that hasn't changed, no matter what.

"Pete and I love each other, Dad. Accept it at last," I asked, sighing loudly.

When I said it, I realized how much I missed him now. I longed for the peace he brought into my life by his mere presence, and though I was about to see him soon, I was so selfish that I wanted it now.

"You don't know what love is," my father assured me, raising one of his eyebrows. "If you find your Omega, you will understand the truth and you will only end up breaking Pete's heart. You can't fool your nature, Vegas. You are the Alpha and you will always be looking for your destiny, and unfortunately he is not it.


"I'm just saying you can afford more than some low-class writer of texts to which teenagers cry. You need to increase your standards, not..."

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