Vegas & Pete: The Day I Lost Myself

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The last days before the exam were harder than normal. Focused on studying, I knew I was creating distance between me and Pete, but I truly needed good results, and the bond was to be broken right after the exams, so I hoped he would forgive me this time. I didn't mention it to kitten, but after an evening at my father's, he contacted me, telling me only that I had been disinherited, me and Macau. Although I tried not to take money from him, there were times when he helped me and, knowing that I would no longer be able to count on it, determined, I wanted to show myself and him that it did not matter. I will succeed without his support, and these exams will be the beginning of that decision.

As the days passed, I didn't notice how Porsche slowly crept into our lives. I knew how sorry Pete was, so I didn't want to intervene, and although at first I felt awkward and reluctant, over time everything began to disappear, showing me an interesting man. We had so much in common that the conversation went smoothly from topic to topic and, I admit, I wasn't careful enough as much as before.

To my surprise, such close, so frequent contact made our connection stronger, and attempts to stifle what attracted us to each other brought me more and more difficulties. I was comforted only by the thought that in two days everything would be over.

I woke up in the morning tired, barely able to lift my eyelids. Pete, happy, jumped around me, reminding me of our anniversary today and seeing him so full of joy, just like before, made my heart fill with warmth. We had an appointment in the evening, so I still could use morning hours to study in the library for the last time, and since my gift was prepared and waiting safely in one of the drawers, I packed up and entered the university.

I was walking through the hall when I heard a choked sob and then a crack. I ran to where the noise was coming from and saw Big destroy Porsche's notes while the rest of his group held him. I did not think twice, I attacked right away and after a few minutes everyone was lying on the ground. Everyone but me. I helped Porsche get up without listening much to his apology and dragged him to the library, to the table where we always studied.

"You saved me again," he muttered shyly, and I sighed, wondering how he would do when the bond will finally be broken.

"It can't look like this," I said, and he nodded, though I could see his arms tremble slightly.

We sat in silence, both focused on their own books, when Nop came up to us, smiling widely, next to him stood a girl I never saw before.

"You should chill, Vegas. Relax a little bit, don't just study and study!" he laughed, and I, showing him my middle finger, tried to ignore all the snippets, but it was really difficult.

I don't know how he managed to get me to the bar. It was already late, and I knew I had plans, but when I sat on the couch sipping a non-alcoholic drink, I didn't know when I started to lose count. I couldn't relax for such a long time, always worried, always afraid, so when I finally sat down, peacefully, my brain just turned off. Suddenly, alcohol appeared in my hands, and so from one glass to another I completely forgot about the outside world. I would like to blame everything on the stress that had been eating me away for so long, but I couldn't do it. It was only my fault. I forgot about our anniversary.

"Vegas, Pete was calling, he was trying to reach you," Porsche said, and only then did I remember everything.

Panicked, I grabbed my phone, but no one answered. Without saying goodbye, I quickly called a taxi and gave them my home address, asking to take me there as soon as possible. I knew Pete, and I knew he was coming home when he heard Porsche answering, but it wasn't what he thought. My stupidity knew no boundaries, but I prayed that he would allow me to apologize sincerely. I screwed up, but I wanted so badly to do my best everywhere that I neglected Pete. I was a one, shitty boyfriend.

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