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So many thoughts are going through my head right now. Does he actually mean everything that he just said? Does he truly care about me? I am so flattered and my stomach is also doing front flips, back flips , 360's and whatever other directions there is. He is holding on to my hands very firmly, but also caring and gentle. Sam does this thing to me that makes me question my every thought and every action. He's not a bad boy which is surprising considering how handsome he is.

I come out of my own thoughts and I can't help but smile at him. "Yes , yes of course I want to be your girlfriend." He smiles so big it melts my heart. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist to hang on. He starts twirling around a few times, but once he comes to a stop we make eye contact. The feeling I felt the very first time I saw him has came back once again. "You Elizabeth make me so very happy and I know that's cheesy to say, but It needed to be said." I grin and bury my face in the crease of his neck.

Sam and I stay outside in the same position for about two and half hours. All of a sudden he shifts around and slowly puts me down. I look up at him and make a sad puppy face with a sad lip. He smirks looking at the stupid look I'm giving. "It's getting late and tomorrow is Friday so after that we can hang out." I sarcastically huff "does this mean we can't hang out at school?"
Sam smirks slightly "you know what I mean." I wrap my arms around his torso and he embraces me in return. I let go and turn to walk to the porch, but just as I turn he grabs wrist and swings me back around facing him. All in this one motion I have no time to react or even realize what going on. By the time I catch myself I am inches away from Sam's face. I can feel his breath on my lips. "Just do it already" I quickly say. I can feel sam take ahold of my belt loops on the hips of my pants, and he pulls me closer, closing the gap between up.

It was sweet, passionate, and quick if I'm being honest. It was good, but definitely not how the movies show it. This was something real. I lean back a little, mainly so I see his face. He looks so happy like a child who got a new toy for Christmas. "It's getting late like you said." Sam lowers his head and releases me making me drop down flat footed. I didn't even realize I was on my tip toes. "You are so short." Sam says trying to keep from laughing but failing miserably. He grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers. He walks me to my front door "Goodnight Elizabeth." I smile "Goodnight."

I watch Sam get in his car and head down the road. I head in the house and go straight to my room. I get take a quick shower and crawl into bed. I can't stop thinking about the kiss. It wasn't my first kiss, but it was the most confident and meaningful one I have ever had. Everything about Sam is confident and meaningful. I toss and turn all night and eventually go sleep until...

Word count - 586

Authors note- Hey! So i won't be leaving these Author notes on here very often, but I just want to Thank you all for the support. I will be mostly as often as possible, So just know that the story is not over yet. Have a great day readers. Peace out ✌️

My name is Eliza.Where stories live. Discover now